Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 1. sayfa 1 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 2. sayfa 2 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 3. sayfa 3 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 4. sayfa 4 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 5. sayfa 5 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 6. sayfa 6 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 7. sayfa 7 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 8. sayfa 8 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 9. sayfa 9 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 10. sayfa 10 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 11. sayfa 11 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 12. sayfa 12 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 13. sayfa 13 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 14. sayfa 14 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 15. sayfa 15 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 16. sayfa 16 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 17. sayfa 17 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 18. sayfa 18 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 19. sayfa 19 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 20. sayfa 20 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 21. sayfa 21 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 22. sayfa 22 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 23. sayfa 23 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 24. sayfa 24 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 25. sayfa 25 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 26. sayfa 26 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 27. sayfa 27 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 28. sayfa 28 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 29. sayfa 29 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 30. sayfa 30 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 31. sayfa 31 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 32. sayfa 32 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 33. sayfa 33

Inoksan FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN Sanayi Tipi Fırın

The set time value is read on the time indicator.    value, the time starts to count. The displayed time 
4-Combiner Rate:                                     value decreases by one at the end of each minute. 
The set combiner value is read on the combiner       When the time is reset, the machine loads the set 
rate indicator. The time mode button is pressed for  value (as well as the temperature set value and 
the other " t2 " and " t3 " modes. The operations    combiner rate) entered for the " t2" mode and 
no. 2, 3 and 4 are repeated for each time mode. 5    continues to work according to these new values. 
seconds after the last pressed button, the machine   Once the "t2" and "t3" modes are processed, the 
gets    off     the    adjustment     position.      machine emits a sound warning and stops 
5-Fan Speed Adjustment:                              working. The time mode returns to "t1" in this 
The fan speed adjustment is done after having        case.
appeared all the adjusted values. The fan speed      DRY COOKING:
adjustment is independent from the program. The      Before giving the start, 100% convection (0% 
speed adjustment should be done before each          steam) rate is selected through the combiner 
operation according to the type of the product to    selection button. In this case only the heaters are 
be cooked.                                           engaged. The fan starts to function automatically. 
6-Operation:                                         The fan can not be stopped when the heaters are 
The start button is pressed. The oven starts to      engaged. However, the speed adjustment can be 
function as per the adjusted values.                 changed. The time starts to count when the 
7-Control During Operation:                          temperature reaches the adjusted (set) value. The 
Once the oven starts, the set values can not be      set time value decreases by one at the end of each 
changed. However, these can be seen for control      minute. If the oven door is opened when the time 
purposes. The set time can be verified by pressing   counts down, the machine emits a continuous 
on the time set button. The set temperature can be   warning sound and the time count is stopped. The 
seen by pressing on the temperature set button.      warning stops when the door is closed and the 
3.2.3 - Operating Principles                         time continues to count from where it has 
MANUAL START:                                        remained. If it is desired to feed steam to the oven 
After having entered the temperature, time and       during the cooking operation, " Manual Steam 
combiner rates, the oven starts to function by       Button " is pressed. As long as it is kept pressed, 
pressing on the start/stop button. In such a case,   steam is fed into the oven. When the time is reset, 
the time mode is not operative. The adjusted         a sound warning is emitted, the heaters and fan are 
values appear on the related indicators. After       stopped and the stop position is taken. If it is 
flashing for some time, it starts to show the actual desired to stop working before the end of time, 
(measured on that point) values. Time starts to      START/STOP button is pressed again.
count when the temperature reaches the adjusted      STEAM COOKING (BOILING):
(set) value. The set time value decreases by one at  Before giving the start, 0% convection (100% 
the end of each minute. If the oven door is opened   steam) rate is selected through the combiner 
when the time counts down, the machine emits         selection button. In this case the boiler is engaged 
continuous warning signal and the time count         and it starts to feed steam to the oven. The time 
stops. When the door is closed, the warning stops    starts to count when the set (adjusted) temperature 
and time continues to count down from where it       value is reached. The difference from the dry 
has remained. When the time is reset, interrupted    cooking is in that the boiler is engaged instead of 
warning is emitted and the heaters and fan are       the heaters. The fan can be stopped and operated 
stopped and the stop position is taken. If it is     when desired.
meant to stop working before the end of time,        NOTE: In this case, do not enter a set value 
START/STOP button is pressed again.                  above 850C.

PROGRAMMED START:                                    COMBINER COOKING:
The program number, the temperature, time, time      Before giving the start, DRY and STEAM 
mode and combiner rates of which have been           cooking operations are effected together at all 
previously entered, is selected through the          rates except the 100% convection or 100% steam 
program increase and decrease button. The            rates on the combiner selection indicator. In 
adjusted values appear on the related indicators.    periods of 1 minute, first the heater and then the 
After flashing for some time, it starts to show the  boiler is engaged according to the combiner rates. 
actual (measured on that point) values. When the     The fan can not be stopped when the heaters are 
start/stop button is pressed, the temperature, time  engaged, however, the fan can be manually started 
and combiner rate entered for the "t1" is loaded     and stopped when the boiler is engaged.
from the memory and the oven starts to function. 
When the temperature reaches the adjusted (set)
