Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 1. sayfa 1 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 2. sayfa 2 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 3. sayfa 3 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 4. sayfa 4 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 5. sayfa 5 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 6. sayfa 6 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 7. sayfa 7 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 8. sayfa 8 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 9. sayfa 9 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 10. sayfa 10 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 11. sayfa 11 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 12. sayfa 12 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 13. sayfa 13 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 14. sayfa 14 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 15. sayfa 15 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 16. sayfa 16 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 17. sayfa 17 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 18. sayfa 18 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 19. sayfa 19 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 20. sayfa 20 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 21. sayfa 21 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 22. sayfa 22 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 23. sayfa 23 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 24. sayfa 24 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 25. sayfa 25 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 26. sayfa 26 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 27. sayfa 27 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 28. sayfa 28 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 29. sayfa 29 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 30. sayfa 30 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 31. sayfa 31 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 32. sayfa 32 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 33. sayfa 33

Inoksan FBE042 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN Sanayi Tipi Fırın

                                                     according to the set values determined at the next 
          Temperature Indicator: It shows the        mode.
measured temperature value. When the set button 
is pressed, the set temperature value is indicated.            Time Mode Indicator: It indicates the 
In case of failure, it displays the type of warning. actual mode where the device functions or the 
                                                     machine adjustments are made. Each program 
      Temperature Set Button: It is used to see      consists of these 3 modes. When the start is 

the set value of temperature. When it is pressed,    engaged, first t1, then t2 and finally t3 modes are 
the set value appears on the indicator and starts to processed. "00" is entered in the time set value of 

flash.                                               the mode, which is not demanded to be processed. 
     Time Count Led: It means that the time          In such a case, the machine goes to the next mode 
count is engaged. After that the temperature         without processing that mode.
reaches the set value, time count starts and the led       Combiner Selection Mode: It is the button 
starts to flash.                                     which selects the convection, steam or combined 

                                                     (steam + convection) cooking rates. The cooking 
        Time Indicator: It indicates the adjusted    is performed only with the heaters at 100 % 
time value. When the set button is pressed, the set  convection, only with steam at 100 % vapor and 
time value is indicated.                             according to heater and steam % rates during 1 
      Time Set Button : It is used to see the set    minute periods for the others. At each pressing of 
value of time. When it is pressed, the set value     the button, the rate moves one unit to the right. 
appears on the indicator and starts to flash.        When repressed following the 100 % steam, it 
                                                     returns to the beginning. This can be entered 
      Start-Stop Button : It operates the            separately for all the modes in the whole program.
determined program. When repressed, it stops 
that. When the machine is on the start position, 
the led on the left upper corner is illuminated and                Combiner Rate Indicator: It 
when the stop position is taken, the led gets out.   indicates the steam/convection rate selected 
The set values can not be changed on start           through the combiner selection button. % reds 
position. When the start is engaged, 3 different     show the convection and % blues indicate the 
modes constituting the selected program start to     steam cooking rates.
operate one following the other. The machine gets          Manual Steam Supply Button: It is the 
to the stop position once the t3 mode is processed.  button which ensures the steam supply to the oven 

                                                     during convection cooking. As long as it is kept 
     Program Indicator: It displays the number       pressed, it supplies steam to the oven. When the 
of the programs where the temperature, time, time    oven inner temperature is less than 1000C, it does 
mode and combiner rates are registered.              not supply steam when pressed. A-2 is displayed 
      : Manual Program                               on the temperature indicator and the machine 
                                                     furnishes sound warning.
      Increase Button: It increases the 
temperature, time and program values by one as             ON/OFF Button: when pressed during 1 
per the related groups. When kept pressed, it        second, it energizes the machine and has it ready 
increases these automatically.                       for the function. In this case, the led on the left 
                                                     upper corner keeps being illuminated. When 

      Decrease Button: It decreases the              repressed, it cuts the energy to the device and the 
temperature, time and program values by one as       led gets off. When taken to the OFF position, if 
per the related groups. When kept pressed, it        the oven temperature is above 1000C, it stops all 
decreases these automatically.                       the operations, disconnects the indicators and 
NOTE: All the increase and decrease buttons          enters in the cooling regime having connected the 
function only on STOP position.                      fan. In such a case, only the temperature indicator 
                                                     shows the oven temperature.
     Mode Selection Button:It ensures the 
selection of the modes constituting each program          Lamp Button: It ensures the inner lightning 
(t1, t2, t3) for the entrance of temperature, time   of the oven. When the lamp is connected, the led 
and combiner rates. At each pressing, the mode       on the left upper corner is illuminated. When 
increases by 1. When repressed after t3, it returns  repressed, the lamp and led get off.

to the beginning (t1). At each mode, the                  Fan Button: It ensures that the fan is 
temperature, time and combiner rates can be          engaged and disengaged. When the heaters are 
separately entered. When pressed on start            engaged or at stop regime, it is automatically 
position, the machine continues to operate           engaged. On stop position or during steam
