Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 1. sayfa 1 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 2. sayfa 2 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 3. sayfa 3 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 4. sayfa 4 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 5. sayfa 5 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 6. sayfa 6 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 7. sayfa 7 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 8. sayfa 8 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 9. sayfa 9 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 10. sayfa 10 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 11. sayfa 11 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 12. sayfa 12 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 13. sayfa 13 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 14. sayfa 14 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 15. sayfa 15 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 16. sayfa 16 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 17. sayfa 17 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 18. sayfa 18 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 19. sayfa 19 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 20. sayfa 20 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 21. sayfa 21 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 22. sayfa 22 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 23. sayfa 23 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 24. sayfa 24 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 25. sayfa 25 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 26. sayfa 26 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 27. sayfa 27 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 28. sayfa 28 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 29. sayfa 29 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 30. sayfa 30 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 31. sayfa 31 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 32. sayfa 32 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 33. sayfa 33 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 34. sayfa 34 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 35. sayfa 35

Inoksan FBE 006 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN Sanayi Tipi Fırın

•  The machine should be fed by 380V 3N 50-60Hz        •  For the Chicken grill, Fish grill and Meatball it 

   network voltage.                                       will be more appropriate to use the grills instead 

•  Use cable of quality H07 RN-F and of crosscut          of trays.

   5x6mm2                                              •  Especially during the cooking of yeasted dough 

•  Voltage tolerance should not be more than ± 10%.       and pastry kinds, the getting dry and forming crust 

•  The machine must be earthed as DIN VDE 0100            of the food should be prevented by periodically 

   clause 540.                                            steaming the oven.

                                                       •  Pay attention that the trays should be at the same 

   2. USER INSTRUCTION                                    level and properly replaced in the oven. 

•  This appliance is designed for professional use        Otherwise, the cooking will be different.

   and must only be used by trained personel.          •  In case you want to discharge the water in the 

•  The aim of the machine is to cook all the foods        boiler pull the rod “5” towards you. In this case, 

   given at the table-1. Besides, you can make warm       the water in the boiler will be discharged through 

   the foods which are previously cooked of frozen.       discharging hole “4” and at the first operation the 

•  Choose the most shallow tray according to the          appliance will refill the water.
   material you are going to cook. For ex., you have   •  Besides their use as normal ovens operating with 
   to choose a holey tray with a depth of 20mm for        convection current, these ovens (Combined 
   the kinds of yeasted dough, a normal tray with no      Steam) also may perform all kinds of SCALDED 
   hole and depth of 20mm for pastry kinds and a          COOKING (as a steam oven) by using steam 
   tray with a depth of 40-65mm in accordance with        energy, or using the convection current together 
                                                          with the steam energy, in order to work as a 
   the meal for the juicy and saucy meals. It is          Combined Oven (convection-steam), performing 
   recommended not to use the trays with a depth of       even smoother cooking without drying the 
   over 65mm.                                             ingredients used.
•  Trays that are appropriate to the dish going to be  •  For scalded cooking, it is not important if the oven 

   cooked must be placed in tray rails. Because if        is preheated or not. It will be enough to only 

   you tightly replace the trays the cooking will         adjust the timer on the digital display, and to start 

   show differences because of the air circulation        the oven. The temperature setting is preset. It is 
   between the trays. For ex., you can replace in         not possible to exceed this temperature, but you 
   every tracks the trays with a depth of 10mm,           can do scalding at lower temperatures.
   which is called as baker tray, for the applications •  When you wish to use the oven as a COMBINED 
   like sable biscuits, Bag Dough, American Biscuits      OVEN, you can create very different tastes by 
   and Italian cookies. But in the other applications,    setting the steam and convection ratios. The blue 
   you should replace the trays with intervals for the    and the red display on the Combined Oven's cycle 
   air circulation and for a better cook.                 panel show the steam and the convection ratio, 
   When you wish to bake flaky pastry or to cook          respectively. You can enter the required ratios 
   dishes to be prepared in their own juice or with       choosing among the preset values. However, you 
   sauces, the tray to be used must be 20, 40 and         should not confuse saturated steam with 
   65mm deep, respectively. In this case, the             moistening. In these Combined Steam Ovens, the 
   maximum tray capacities will be as follows:            steam is generated in a boiler, and injected into 
                                                          the oven's interior, whereas moistening is 
                                                          performed by injecting only water into the oven's 
                                                          interior. But Combined Steam Ovens are equipped 
                FBE006     FBE010     FBE022              with an additional moistening function too.
    GN 1/1          3         6         10             •  When the oven is set to scalding position, it is 
    GN 2/1          -         -          5                possible to scald all kinds of fruits and vegetables. 
    400*600         3         6         5*                However, you are required to stick to the most 
   *: Place on the grills                                 important cooking rule which is to fill the trays 
•  No matter what you wish to cook or bake in it,         correctly with the vegetables to be scalded. As 

   apart from those dishes which are be scalded,          you know, some vegetables release extreme high 

   preheat the oven at a temperature which                quantities of pigments while scalding. Such 
   absolutely must exceed the foreseen cooking            vegetables have to be put right to the bottom of 
   /baking temperature by a temperature over at least     the oven's interior, while those that do not release 
   60°C, before loading the prepared trays. For ex., if   such high quantities of pigments, have to be put 
   you will cook a food at 1700C, the heat of the         into the upper parts. The reason for this is that, if 
   oven should be 2300C. Because the coldness of          those vegetables which release high quantities of 
   the food of tray that will be put in the oven will     pigments are put into the upper part, the dripping 
   decrease the heat of the oven. You can control the     pigment juice may colour the vegetables in the 
   heat of the oven with control panel.                   lower part. If you wish to scald spinach together
