Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 1. sayfa 1 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 2. sayfa 2 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 3. sayfa 3 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 4. sayfa 4 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 5. sayfa 5 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 6. sayfa 6 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 7. sayfa 7 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 8. sayfa 8 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 9. sayfa 9 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 10. sayfa 10 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 11. sayfa 11 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 12. sayfa 12 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 13. sayfa 13 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 14. sayfa 14 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 15. sayfa 15 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 16. sayfa 16 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 17. sayfa 17 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 18. sayfa 18 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 19. sayfa 19 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 20. sayfa 20 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 21. sayfa 21 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 22. sayfa 22 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 23. sayfa 23 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 24. sayfa 24 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 25. sayfa 25 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 26. sayfa 26 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 27. sayfa 27 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 28. sayfa 28 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 29. sayfa 29 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 30. sayfa 30 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 31. sayfa 31 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 32. sayfa 32 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 33. sayfa 33 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 34. sayfa 34 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 35. sayfa 35 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 36. sayfa 36 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 37. sayfa 37 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 38. sayfa 38 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 39. sayfa 39 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 40. sayfa 40 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 41. sayfa 41 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 42. sayfa 42 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 43. sayfa 43 Emsan Düdüklü Tencere Olivin 44. sayfa 44

Emsan Olivin Düdüklü Tencere

If tho steam release is strong and Constant, the selected cooking position is reached. 
Now you must decrease tho hoat 
position = NO pressure 0.0 bar 
For non-pressure cooking or to decrease the pressure When opening the lid during 
Position I = LOW pressure, approximately 0.60 bar 
For food that will either produce foam or expand greatly in size such as fish, crustaceans 
or vegetables such as chickpeas, peas or broth. 
Position 2 High pressure, approximately 0.75 bar 
For heavy vegetables, chicken, meat, rice and potatoes. 
3.3 Preparing food 
• Place the pressure cooker on the stove, and turn on the stove to the highest level. 
Set the staged regulator valve to 1 or 2. Make sure that the stcwe is not larger 
than the pressure cooker base. While using gas stove, make sure that the gas tire 
does not reach the bakelite handles of the pressure cooker in order to prevent any 
possible damage in these parts. 
When steam starts to be produced inside the cooker, locking mechanism is 
activated, and pressure cooking process begins after tho safety valve locking 
mechanism is pushed up by steam. At the same time, safety valve lock Nocks tho 
release mechanism ot the pressure cooker, thus the cooker lid under pressure is 
prevented from opening. 
When tho pressure cooker reaches tho selectod pressure, steam Starts to ba 
released from the regulator valve. Now you can decrease tho heat Of tho Stove. 
Besides, you may hoar a hissing sound when tho pressure is developed. When the 
cooker is filled with the required materials at maximum degree, it may take about 15 
minutes to roach tho desired pressure.