Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 1. sayfa 1 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 2. sayfa 2 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 3. sayfa 3 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 4. sayfa 4 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 5. sayfa 5 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 6. sayfa 6 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 7. sayfa 7 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 8. sayfa 8 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 9. sayfa 9 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 10. sayfa 10 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 11. sayfa 11 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 12. sayfa 12 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 13. sayfa 13 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 14. sayfa 14 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 15. sayfa 15 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 16. sayfa 16 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 17. sayfa 17 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 18. sayfa 18 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 19. sayfa 19 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 20. sayfa 20 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 21. sayfa 21 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 22. sayfa 22 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 23. sayfa 23 Inoksan Sanayi Tipi Fırın FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN 24. sayfa 24

Inoksan FKG022E KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN Sanayi Tipi Fırın

    Adjusting Burner air (Figure-1)                             •   The aim of the machine is to cook all the foods 

•   Unsrew "A" screw and move "H" air adjustment                    given at the table-1. Besides, you can warm the 

    sheet back and front according to gas type to                   foods which are previously cooked of frozen.

    obtain ideal gas flame. Screw "D" screw again.              •   The choise of the depth of those baking trays to be 

                                                                    used in ovens operating with convection current, 
    Replacement of pilot burner nozzles (Fig-2&3)
                                                                    is very important. Trays have to be chosen as to 

                                                                    the kind of their features, e.g. the different kinds 
•   Remove the left side sheet.
                                                                    of yeast doughs are very important. You should 
•   Unscrew the connector "A" and substitute the 
                                                                    choose 20mm deep, perforated baking trays for 
    nozzle “B” with that indicated in table “T2”.
                                                                    yeast doughs, and 20mm deep, normal, non- 
•   Screw in the connector "A".
                                                                    perforated baking trays for the different kinds of 
    WARNING : If the appliance is converted to a 
                                                                    flaky pastry. For all kinds of dishes to be prepared 
    different gas supply, affix the correct adhesive tag 
                                                                    in their own juice or with sauces, it is necessary to 
    indicating the new gas used.
                                                                    choose 40-65 mm deep trays, according to the 

6. START UP                                                         characteristics of the related dish. The choice of 
                                                                    trays and the maximum tray capacities should be 
    Control of operation of gas devices
                                                                    as follows:
•   Operate the appliance according to the instruction 

    manual and check the correct lighting of the                                                           GN 2/1 trays

    burners, the absence of gas leaks and the                                                          FKG022      FKG042 
    efficiency of the waste gas removal system.                                       Tray type       FKG022E     FKG042E
                                                                Biscüits/Cookies      10mm              10 pcs.     20 pcs.
•   If necessary consult the paragraph on "Typical 
                                                                Different yeast dough 20mm perforated   5 pcs.      10 pcs.
                                                                Different flaky pastry20mm flat         5 pcs.      10 pcs.

    Control of nominal heat input                               Oven-cooked 
                                                                                      40/65mm flat      5 pcs.      10 pcs.
•   The appliance's nominal heat input must always              dishes

    be checked following installation and conversion             Dishes in their own 

    to a different gas supply, and also after servicing.         juices               65mm flat         3 pcs.      7 pcs.
•   The appliance's nominal heat input is indicated in           (warming up meals)

    Table “T3”.
                                                                    In case GN 1/1 trays are used, the number of trays 
•   The nominal heat input is correct when the                      has to be doubled (for tray capacities, see above). 
    appliance is fitted with the appropriate injectors 
                                                                    In order to guarantee hot air circulation, the 
    for the type of gas used and the inlet pressure is as 
                                                                    tray depth must not exceed 65 mm for cooking 
    specified in Table “T3”. To check the inlet 
                                                                    and warming up meals, respectively.
    pressure, follow the instructions indicated in the          *   When 20 mm deep, perforated GN2/1 trays are
    section "Control of inlet pressure".                            used for baking different kinds of yeast doughs, 

    Control of inlet pressure (Fig. 4)                              one tray may take about 25-30 loaves of bread, 

•   The inlet pressure is measured using a manometer                depending on the respective loaf weight. 
    with minimum resolution of 0.2 mbar.                            However, it is not possible to bake bread in this 
                                                                    kind of ovens which has a weight of over 180 
•   Detach the control panel from the appliance, 
                                                                    grams per loaf. In this case, when 10 trays of 
    remove the screw “B” from pressure point and                    those which take 25 loaves of bread each, are put 
    connect the pressure gauge pipe.                                into a FKG042/042E type oven, its capacity will 
•   Ignite the burners and measure the inlet pressure.              be 250 loaves of bread in one baking. The baking 
•   The pressure reading must correspond with the                   time is 18-20 minutes.

    ratings shown in table “T4”. If not, switch off the         *   However, the 20 mm deep, non-perforated GN2/1

    appliance and contact your local Gas Supply                     trays which are used for baking different flaky 

    Authority immediately.                                          pastry, may vary according to the kind of such 

•   Disconnect the manometer pipe and retighten the                 pastry. It is possible to bake an average of 35-40 

    screw “B” in pressure point.                                    servings of flaky pastry on one baking tray. In this 
                                                                    case, the FKG042/042E type oven's capacity will 

    7. USER INSTRUCTION                                             be sufficient for 350-400 servings. The baking 

•   This appliance is designed for professional use                 time varies between 20 and 35 minutes, depending 
    and must only be used by trained personel.                      on the characteristics of the dough and the other 
•   Ovens operating with convection current, are                    ingredients used.
                                                                *   40/65 mm deep GN2/1 trays which are used for
    multi-purpose machines which perform indirect 
                                                                    oven-coocked dishes, take e.g. 40 chicken thighs 
    cooking, by blowing hot air accumulated within                  with sauce, and the cooking time is between 75 
    the combustion chamber, into the oven's interior                and 80 minutes. In this case, when a 
    by means of a fan.                                              FKG042/042E type oven is working with full
