Inoksan FBE 022 KONVEKSİYONLU FIRIN Sanayi Tipi Fırın
with other vegetables, it must absolutely be put : Manual Program
right to the bottom.
• Using ovens guarantees important differences and Increase Button: It increases the
advantages, due to their speed control units. You temperature, time and program values by one as
have the opportunity to set the fan speed position per the related groups. When kept pressed, it
to between 400 and 1400rpm. As you know, increases these automatically.
BAKLAVA and KADAYIF are delicious tastes of Decrease Button: It decreases the
the Turkish cuisine, and this type of pastry has to temperature, time and program values by one as
be baken at the bottom of the oven. But from now per the related groups. When kept pressed, it
onwards, baklava and kadayif may be baken in the decreases these automatically.
ovens, because of their revolution adjustment NOTE: All the increase and decrease buttons
feature. The only thing you have to do is to set the
function only on STOP position.
oven to 0 per cent steam and 100 per cent
convection energy, to choose level 2 at the fan Mode Selection Button:It ensures the
speed control (600rpm), and to let the trays bake selection of the modes constituting each program
during 45-50 minutes at 170°C. (t1, t2, t3) for the entrance of temperature, time
and combiner rates. At each pressing, the mode
3. USE OF THE MACHINE increases by 1. When repressed after t3, it returns
3.1 - Key Explanations to the beginning (t1). At each mode, the
temperature, time and combiner rates can be
Heater Led: It means that the heaters are separately entered. When pressed on start
engaged. The heaters will be engaged till the position, the machine continues to operate
temperature reaches the set value. according to the set values determined at the next
Temperature Indicator: It shows the mode.
measured temperature value. When the set button Time Mode Indicator: It indicates the
is pressed, the set temperature value is indicated. actual mode where the device functions or the
In case of failure, it displays the type of warning. machine adjustments are made. Each program
consists of these 3 modes. When the start is
Temperature Set Button: It is used to see engaged, first t1, then t2 and finally t3 modes are
the set value of temperature. When it is pressed, processed. "00" is entered in the time set value of
the set value appears on the indicator and starts to the mode, which is not demanded to be processed.
flash. In such a case, the machine goes to the next mode
Time Count Led: It means that the time without processing that mode.
count is engaged. After that the temperature Combiner Selection Mode: It is the button
reaches the set value, time count starts and the led which selects the convection, steam or combined
starts to flash. (steam + convection) cooking rates. The cooking
Time Indicator: It indicates the adjusted is performed only with the heaters at 100 %
time value. When the set button is pressed, the set convection, only with steam at 100 % vapor and
time value is indicated. according to heater and steam % rates during 1
minute periods for the others. At each pressing of
Time Set Button : It is used to see the set the button, the rate moves one unit to the right.
value of time. When it is pressed, the set value When repressed following the 100 % steam, it
appears on the indicator and starts to flash. returns to the beginning. This can be entered
Start-Stop Button : It operates the separately for all the modes in the whole program.
determined program. When repressed, it stops Combiner Rate Indicator: It
that. When the machine is on the start position, indicates the steam/convection rate selected
the led on the left upper corner is illuminated and through the combiner selection button. % reds
when the stop position is taken, the led gets out. show the convection and % blues indicate the
The set values can not be changed on start steam cooking rates.
position. When the start is engaged, 3 different
Manual Steam Supply Button: It is the
modes constituting the selected program start to
operate one following the other. The machine gets button which ensures the steam supply to the oven
during convection cooking. As long as it is kept
to the stop position once the t3 mode is processed.
pressed, it supplies steam to the oven. When the
Program Indicator: It displays the number oven inner temperature is less than 1000C, it does
of the programs where the temperature, time, time not supply steam when pressed. A-2 is displayed
mode and combiner rates are registered.