Kubota B2420 B8 Traktör
PAGE: 17/23 KU BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOCUMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-01 Revision No.: 01 Type: B8 Revi. Date: 30 Nov. 2009 0.5. Suppress/on of rad/o /nterference 0.5. 1. Descr/pt/on and draw/ngs/photographs see annex 10.5. 1. of the shapes and const/tuent mater/als of the part of the body form/ng the eng/ne compartment and adjacent parts of the passenger compartment: 0.5.2. Draw/ngs or photographs of the pos/t/on see annex 10.5.2. of the metal components housed /n the eng/ne compartment (e.g. heat/ng appl/ances, spare wheel, a/r f/lter, steer/ng mechan/sm, etc.) 0.5.3. Table and draw/ng of rad/o /nterference not equ/pped control equ/pment 0.5.4. Part/culars of the nom/nal value of the not appl/cable d/rect current res/stances, and /n the case of res/st/ve /gn/t/on cables, of the/r nom/nal res/stance per meter