Kubota B2420 B8 Traktör
PAGE: 12/23 KU BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOCUMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-01 Revision No.: 01 Type: B8 Revi. Date: 30 Nov. 2009 7.2.3. 1 Method and d/agram of operat/on, d/agram operat/on: see annex 7.2.3. 1. make(s) and type(s) make: KYB type: PQC 1645 7.2.4. D/agram of the steer/ng equ/pment as see annex 7.2.4. / 7.2.5. a whole, show/ng the pos/t/on on the veh/cle of the var/ous dev/ces /nfluenc/ng /ts steer/ng behav/or 7.2.5. Schemat/c d/agram(s) of the steer/ng see annex 7.2.4. / 7.2.5. control(s) 7.2.6. Range and method of adjustment, /f not equ/pped any, of the steer/ng control 7.3. Max/mum turn/ng angle of the wheels (/f f/tted) 7.3. 1. To the r/ght (degrees), number of 48.7 degrees (/nternal wheel) steer/ng wheel turns 49.2 degrees (external wheel) 2.0 t/me steer/ng turn 7.3.2. To the left (degrees), number of 48.7 degrees (/nternal wheel) steer/ng wheel turns 49.2 degrees (external wheel) 2.0 t/me steer/ng turn 7.4. M/n/mum turn/ng c/rcle (w/thout 4WD not engaged (left / r/ght) brak/ng) 2.59 / 2.48 m 4WD engaged (left / r/ght) 2.78 / 2.74 m 7.5. Method of adjustment of the steer/ng not equ/pped control (where appl/cable) 7.6. Br/ef descr/pt/on of the electr/cal / not equ/pped electron/c components (/f any)