Kubota B2420 B8 Traktör
PAGE: 14/23 KU BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOCUMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-01 Revision No.: 01 Type: B8 Revi. Date: 30 Nov. 2009 9. Field of vision, Glazing, Windscreen Wipers and Rear-View Mirrors 9. 1. F/eld of v/s/on 9. 1. 1. Draw/ng(s) or photograph(s) show/ng see annex 9. 1. 1. the pos/t/on of parts /n the forward f/eld of v/s/on 9.2. Glaz/ng not equ/pped 9.2. 1. Data for qu/ck /dent/f/cat/on of reference- po/nt 9.2.2. W/ndscreen(s) - 9.2.2. 1. Mater/al(s) used - Method of f/tt/ng - Rake angle(s) - EC components type-approval mark(s) - W/ndscreen accessor/es and the/r - locat/on and conc/se descr/pt/on of any electr/cal/electron/c components 9.2.3. Other w/ndows - 9.2.3. 1. Pos/t/on(s) - Mater/al(s) used - EC component type-approval mark(s) - Br/ef descr/pt/on of the - electr/cal/electron/c components (/f f/tted) of the s/de-w/ndow operat/ng mechan/sm 9.3. W/ndscreen w/pers (descr/pt/on, not equ/pped number, frequency of operat/on) 9.4. Rear-v/ew m/rror(s) 9.4. 1. Class(es) see component type approval cert/f/cates sect/on 13. 4 9.4.2. EC components type-approval mark(s)