• Voltage tolerance should not be more than into a FKE040 type oven, its capacity will be 250
±10%. loaves of bread in one baking. The baking time is
• The machine must be earthed as DIN VDE 0100 18-20 minutes.
clause 540. * However, the 20 mm deep, non-perforated GN2/1
trays which are used for baking different flaky
4. USER INSTRUCTION pastry, may vary according to the kind of such
• This appliance is designed for professional use pastry. It is possible to bake an average of 35-40
and must only be used by trained personel. servings of flaky pastry on one baking tray. In this
• Ovens operating with convection current, are case, the FKE040 type oven's capacity will be
multi-purpose machines which perform indirect sufficient for 350-400 servings. The baking time
cooking, by blowing hot air accumulated within varies between 20 and 35 minutes, depending on
the combustion chamber, into the oven's interior the characteristics of the dough and the other
ingredients used.
by means of a fan. * 40/65 mm deep GN2/1 trays which are used for
• The aim of the machine is to cook all the foods oven-coocked dishes, take e.g. 40 chicken thighs
given at the table-1. Besides, you can warm the with sauce, and the cooking time is between 75
foods which are previously cooked of frozen. and 80 minutes. In this case, when a FKE040 type
• The choise of the depth of those baking trays to be oven is working with full capacity, a meal for 400
used in ovens operating with convection current, persons may be cooked at one time.
is very important. Trays have to be chosen as to * 65 mm deep GN2/1 trays which may be used
the kind of their features, e.g. the different kinds specially for cooking pulses, dishes which are
of yeast doughs are very important. You should cooked in their own juice, contain 60 servings
choose 20mm deep, perforated baking trays for each. When seven trays are cooked at the same
yeast doughs, and 20mm deep, normal, non- time in a FKE040 type oven, you will have 420
perforated baking trays for the different kinds of servings prepared at one time.
flaky pastry. For all kinds of dishes to be prepared * The average capacity of ovens operating with
in their own juice or with sauces, it is necessary to convection current, is 200 servings/hour for
choose 40-65 mm deep trays, according to the FKE020, and 400 servings/hour for FKE040 and
characteristics of the related dish. The choice of FKE220 type ovens, respectively.
trays and the maximum tray capacities should be • Before putting the food into the oven, make a pre-
a s follows: heating with a heat of 600C more than the heat
you will select. The ideal condition is an oven
which is preheated at 275°C, independingly on the
kind of dish or pastry you wish to cook or bake.
For example, if you cook a meal at 1700C, the
heat of the oven should be 2300C. Because the
1 coldness of the food of tray that will be put in the
FKE040 oven will decrease the heat of the oven. You can
Tray type FKE020 FKE220 control the heat of the oven with the red signal
Biscüits/Cookies 10mm 10 pcs. 20 pcs. lamp belonging to the thermometer. When the
Different yeast dough 20mm perforated 5 pcs. 10 pcs. signal lamp is off, it means that the oven reached
Different flaky pastry20mm flat 5 pcs. 10 pcs. to the required heat; than put the meal in the oven.
Oven-cooked dishes 40/65mm flat 5 pcs. 10 pcs. If you put the meal into the oven while the signal
Dishes in their own lamp is on, the cooking between the trays will
juices 65mm flat 3 pcs. 6 pcs. show differences. You absolutely should observe
(warming up meals) this recommendation.
• The trays should be placed to the tracks on the
In case GN 1/1 trays are used, the number of trays oven trolley according to the food to be cooked.
has to be doubled (for tray capacities, see above). Because if you tightly place the trays the cooking
In order to guarantee hot air circulation, the will show differences because of the air
tray depth must not exceed 65 mm for cooking circulation between the trays. For example, you
and warming up meals, respectively. can place in every tracks the trays with a depth of
* When 20 mm deep, perforated GN2/1 trays are
used for baking different kinds of yeast doughs, 10mm, which is called baker tray, for the
one tray may take about 25-30 loaves of bread, applications like sable biscuits, Bag Dough,
depending on the respective loaf weight. American Biscuits and Italian cookies. But in the
However, it is not possible to bake bread in this other applications, you should place the trays with
kind of ovens which has a weight of over 180 distances for the air circulation and for a better
grams per loaf. In this case, when 10 trays of cook.
those which take 25 loaves of bread each, are put