YAMAHA MOTOR CO., LTD. 2500 Shingai, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-8501, Japan
2002/24 Applied on; July 30, 2007
Order number Ref. no.: FD-2002/24-DG20-01
0 General
0.1 Make: Yamaha
0.2 Type (state any possible variants and versions: each variant and each
version must be identified by a code consisting of numbers or a
combination of letters and numbers): DG20 (VAR/VER :※) *
0.2.1 Commercial name (where applicable): ※ *
0.3 Means of type identification if stated on vehicle: Part of Frame No.
0.3.1 Location of that means of identification: On right-hand of head pipe
0.4 Vehicle category: L3e
0.5 Name and address of manufacturer: Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
2500 Shingai, Iwata-city
0.5.1 Name(s) and address(es) of assembly plants: same as manufacturer
0.6 Name and address of manufacturer's authorized representative,
if any: N.A.
0.7 Location and method of affixing statutory inscriptions to the chassis: On right head pipe, adhesive sticker
0.7.1 The serial numbering of the type begins with No.: ※
0.8 Position and method of affixing the component type-approval mark
for components and separate technical units: Lamps, reflector, horn, mirror, tyre
and muffler; on outside surface of
corresponding parts, molding
1 General arrangement of the vehicle
1.1 Photos and/or drawings of a typical vehicle: Fig. 1.1(1~2/2)
1.2 Dimensional drawing of the complete vehicle: Fig. 1.1(1~2/2)
1.2.1 Wheelbase: ※
1.3 Number of axles and wheels (where appropriate, number of crawler
tracks or belts): 2
1.4 Position and arrangement of engine: midst, transverse, S
1.5 Number of seating positions: 2
1.6 Hand of drive - left or right N.A.
1.6.1 Vehicle is equipped to be driven in right-hand or left-hand rule of
the road traffic ※
2 Masses (in kg)
2.0 Unladen mass: ※
2.1 Mass of vehicle in running order: ※
2.1.1 Distribution of that mass between the axles: Fr: ※ Rr: ※
2.2 Mass of vehicle in running order, together with rider: ※
2.2.1 Distribution of that mass between the axles: Fr: ※ Rr: ※
2.3 Maximum technically permissible mass declared by the manufacturer: ※
2.3.1 Division of that mass between the axles: Fr: ※ Rr: ※
2.3.2 Maximum technically permissible mass on each of the axles: Fr: ※ Rr: ※
*: Changing points by devision
İlginizi çekebilecek Yamaha marka Motosiklet ürünleri