Kubota L5040(F)M-R L7 (L5040(F)M-R) Traktör
TÜV Rheinland Luxemburg Test Report No.: 81-2003/37-74058/07 Manufacturer Kubota Corporation TÜVRheinland Type L7 TEST REPORT aocording ta Council Directive on the approximatinn of the laws of the Member States relating ta the Type-Approval of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors 2003,37,1C including all amendments until 2006/961EC Previnusly granted EEC - system type approval e13*2003/37*2005/67*0123*00 Structure of report: 1. Test object(s) and general test information 2. Test minules 3. Remarks concennng tcstcd object(ş) 4. Appendices 5. Statement of confo[mity TrıjV Rheırdano Lınernburg GmbH2a, Kalchtestruck Telefon 00 52 52 29 09 Page 1 L -11352 Luzeıntiurg Telefax 00352 .152 31 D