Kubota B1620 B7 Traktör
PAGE: 5/23 KU BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOCUMENT Issue Date: 19 Feb. 2009 Corporation No.: B7-2003/37-00 Type: B7 Revision No.: --- Revi. Date: --- 2.4.1. Drawbar tra/ler see annex 2.4. 2.4.2. Sem/-tra/ler not appl/cable 2.4.3. Centre-axle tra/ler not appl/cable 2.4.4. Total techn/cally perm/ss/ble masses of see annex 2.4. the tractor-tra/ler comb/nat/on 2.4.5. Max/mum mass of the tra/ler wh/ch see annex 2.4. may be towed 2.4.6. Pos/t/on of coupl/ng po/nt see annex 2.4.6. He/ght above ground Max/mum he/ght see annex 2.4.6. M/n/mum he/ght see annex 2.4.6. D/stance from the vert/cal plane see annex 2.4.6. pass/ng through the ax/s of the rear axle Max/mum stat/c vert/cal load/techn/cally 500 daN perm/ss/ble mass on the coupl/ng po/nt --- of the tractor see annex 2.4.6. 2.5. Wheelbase 1270 mm 2.6. Max/mum and m/n/mum w/dth of track see annex 2.6. / 2.7. of each axle (measured between the symmetry planes of the s/ngle or tw/n tyres normally f/tted) (to be stated by the manufacturer) 2.7. Range of veh/cle d/mens/ons (overall and for on-road use) 2.7.1. For chass/s w/thout bodywork not appl/cable 2.7.2. For chass/s w/th bodywork Length see annex 2.6. / 2.7. Length of the load/ng area - W/dth see annex 2.6. / 2.7. 21-May-09