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Kuba KB150-25 KB150-25 Motorsiklet

                     GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG                                                                               CERTIFICATION ET D'HOIVIOLOGATIONSOCIETE NATIONALE DE 
                     Mlnistere du Developpement durable                                                                                                                                                              rl,
                     et dos Infrastructures                                                                                                                           Registre de Commerce: B 27180
                     D4artement des Transports
                     L-2938 Luxembourg                                                                                                                                                 L.5201 Sandweiler

Reference: e13*2002/24*0397*00

Annexes:                    -  Rapport Technique
                            -  Fiche de Renseignements du constructeur                                                                                   Sandweiler, le 02 fevrier 2010

                 Communication concernant:                                               - la reception (I)
                 Communication conccming:                                                  typc-approval
                                                                                           l_tememii,m_d~epti" o 
                                                                                         - le-Fefus-de-la-filoeption (11
                                                                                         - le-retroit-d~eption (I)
         d'un type de vehicule en vertu de la directive 2002/24/CE modifiee en dernier Iieu par la Directive 2006/120/CE
                                               of a type of vehicle with regard to Directive 2002124/W as last aınended by Direetive 2006/120/EC

                            Numero de reeeption:
                            Type-approval number                                                                             e13*2002/24*0397*00

                            Motif de l'extension:
                            Reason for extension:                                                                            not applicable

0.                          GENERAL1TES

0.1.                        Marque(s) (raison sociale du constnıcteur):
                            Make(s) (nado mune of manufacturer):                                                             KUBA; SKYJET; SA.NLG 

0.2.                        Type:
                            Type:                                                                                            KB150-25

0.2.1.                      D6nomination(s) commerciale(s):
                            Commercial namc(s):                                                                              KB150-25, SJ150-25; SL150-6 

                            Variaın(s)Iversion(s):                                                                           not applicable

03.                         Moyeris d'identification du type, s'il tat
                            indique sur le vehicule:
                            Means of identification ot' type, if marked on the veltiele:                                     VIN

0.3.1.                      Emplacement de cette identification:
                            Location of that ınarking:                                                                       on right side of chassis and statutmy marldng
                                                                                                                             refer to drawing KB150-25-34 of manufacturer's 
                                                                                                                             information docııınent

0.4.                        Categorie (2):
                            Category:                                                                                        L3e

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