John Deere 60C LCT Traktör
Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt DE-24932 Flensburg 2 Nummer der Genehmigung: e1*2003/37*0282*02 Approval No.: - Attachment - Collateral clauses and instruction on right to appeal Collateral clauses The individual production of serial fabrication must be in exact accordance with the approval documents. Changes in the individual production are only allowed with express consent of the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. Changes in the name of the company, the address and the manufacturing plant as well as one of the parties given the authority to delivery or authorised representative named when the approval was granted is to be immediately disclosed to the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. Breach of this regulation can lead to recall of the approval and moreover can be legally prosecuted. The approval expires if it is returned or withdrawn or if the type approved no longer complies with the legal requirements. The revocation can be made if the demanded requirements for issuance and the continuance of the approval no longer exist, if the holder of the approval violates the duties involved in the approval, also to the extent that they result from the assigned conditions to this approval, or if it is determined that the approved type does not comply with the requirements of traffic safety or environmental protection. The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt can at any time check or have checked the proper exercise of the conferred authority taken from this approval, in particular the approval standards. For this purpose, samples can be taken or have taken according to the rules of the underlying regulations. The conferred authority contained with issuance of this approval is not transferable. Trade mark rights of third parties are not affected with this approval. Instruction on right to appeal This approval can be appealed within one month after notification. The appeal is to be filed in writing or as a transcript at the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt, Fördestraße 16, DE-24944 Flensburg.