Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 1. sayfa 1 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 2. sayfa 2 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 3. sayfa 3 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 4. sayfa 4 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 5. sayfa 5 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 6. sayfa 6 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 7. sayfa 7 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 8. sayfa 8 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 9. sayfa 9 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 10. sayfa 10 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 11. sayfa 11 Schafer Düdüklü  Tencere Schafer Pressure 12. sayfa 12

Schafer Schafer Pressure Düdüklü Tencere


eZ3 ) 

Closing The Cover 
When the bakelite handle is in the open position 
(the handle's position is then upright) place the cover into 
the pressure cooker by bending it and close the bakelite 
handle in the opposite direction (the handle's position is 
then flat). Make sure that the cover is entirely fitted in its 
place. Do not forget that semi-closed coverd may lead 
to air leaks and dangerous situations. 
Buhar Gllqnca 
Dik durumdaki ventili, sekildeki gibi eéik pozisyona getirerek 
tencerenizin altindaki atesi azaltln. 
(Pisme süresi bu andan itibaren hesaplanlr.) 
When The Whistle Sound Is Heard 
Make the vertical valve position horizontal decrease 
the temperature. Cooking time startedfrom now on. 
Dikkatli Olmalls•mz 
Tüm bu islemlerden önce emniyet ventilinin üzerindeki 
halkayl qekerek, yukarl kolayca kalklP kalkmadlélnl 
kontrol edin. 
Attention ! 
Check the ring on the ischarge valve it must be 
pushed up easily.