Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 1. sayfa 1 Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 2. sayfa 2 Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 3. sayfa 3 Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 4. sayfa 4 Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 5. sayfa 5 Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 6. sayfa 6 Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 7. sayfa 7 Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 8. sayfa 8 Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 9. sayfa 9 Porsche Binek Otomobil CAYENNE DIESEL 92A 10. sayfa 10

Porsche CAYENNE DIESEL 92A Binek Otomobil


                                                                     SECTION H
                                                                       SECTION II

               Le soussigne, certifie par la presente l'exactitude de la description du constructeur dans la fiche de 
               renseignements en annexe relative au(x) vehicule(s) decrit(s) ci-dessus hun (des) echantilion(s) ayant ete 
               choisi(s) par les autorites competentes en matiere de reception CE, et presente(s) par le constructeur en 
               tant que prototype(s) du type de vehiculei, abisi que Papplicabilite au type du vehicule des resultats d'essai 
               en annexe.
               The undersigned her-01)y certifies the accuracy of manufacturer's description in the attached information docummt of the vehkle(s) described 
               above [(a) sample(s) having been selected by the EC type-approval authority and subıııitted by the manufacturer as prototype(s) of the 
               vehicle type] and that the attached test results are applicable to the vehicle type.

1.             Vehicules/variantes completskompletes et

               For comPlete afid-senıpleted: vehicies/variants:

               Le type de vehicule satisfait/ne-satisfait-pas 
               aux exigences techniques de tous les actes 
               reglementaires pertbaents vises aux annexes 
               W et M de la directive 2007/46/CE:
               The vehicle type meetsidees-tret--tacet the technical          The vehicle type meets the technical requirements of ah the 
               requirements of aU the relevant regulatory acts as             relevant regulatory acts as prescribed in Annex IV and X1 to 
               prescribed in Annex IV and XI to Directive 2007/46/EC.         Directive 2007/46/EC.

2.             Vehicules/variantes incomplets/incompletes:
               For incomplete vehicles/varizints:                             not applicable

               Le vehicule satisfait/ne satisfait pas aux
               exigences           techniques            des         actes 
               reglementaires figurants sur le tableau .a la 
               page 2.
               The vehicle type ıneetsidoes not meet the technical 
               requirements of the regulatory acts listed in the table on 
               side 2:                                                        not applicable

3.             La reception est fteeottleek-efusee/ 
               The approval is gisurted / fefased / Wit:11E1M.V.,13.          the approval is extended

4.             La reception est accordee confonnement 
               l'article 20 et elle expire le:
               The approval is granted in accordance with Article 20 and
               the validity of the approval is thus lunited to:               not applicable

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