Nissan GT-R R35 Binek Otomobil
04(12,-'10 14:24:41 P. 002 TOV Rholnland luxemburg GmbH Tost Roport No.: 82-70/166-99813110 Type R36 TOVIRheiniand fikırtufacturer : Nissun loternatIonal SA TEST REPORT au...orzUng to Ccluneil Directive on tbe approximation ı›f` the laws of the Mambr State re1atin3 tn the Type-approvul ef motor vehieles and theılle traflers 70/156/FEC Including all atnendments until /1 5/2007/EC Previously grant4 EEC c13*2001/116*1008*02 Strutu're T* : O. Oerlerul InformatiOn 1, Test infnmaticin 2. Test tribune& 3 Remarks croneernits tcsied Obtleettsi 4. Appendioes 5, Statement of eoaforraity The Test keport shall be reproduced and pi.:blished n fuli by the D shall hov,evex be rcprodueet' partiaily witb the written petınisfiebn of the Tutitg L-ahoratory only. s. NıKit-,:,..:do d r13"21;r0b 110c■S.x2. rrıiııs201t; t.c...rioıwtion ;.rorkı:: wnnılunilık:n ırr ■)1,A5 FN •jJ 12-N15-2010 09:25 KI md 1D: