Nissan 350Z Z33 2TALSYZ33EGAB-D-- Otomobil
Nissan Europe S.A.S. Type Z33 Ref. No. = 03.3/036-6(05.31062) hem : WVTA Page = 0-1 INFORMATION FOLDER FOR APPROVAL Re gulation 70/156/EEC as last ainended by 2001/116/EC Concerning Whoie Vehicle Type Approval Approval (application for) No. (EEC) = er2001/116*0235*03 Ext. Na.: 4 Rev.No. - Application Date 4 August, 2005 Remarks - Change of address of manufactureı.•'s authorized represenfation -Adoption of high power engine to convertihle Enelosure Only rnodified pages Where only LHD drawings are shown, the RHD drawings are to be considered as symmetrically similar, and vice versa. # Modification Correetion