New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 1. sayfa 1 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 2. sayfa 2 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 3. sayfa 3 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 4. sayfa 4 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 5. sayfa 5 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 6. sayfa 6 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 7. sayfa 7 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 8. sayfa 8 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 9. sayfa 9 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 10. sayfa 10 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 11. sayfa 11 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 12. sayfa 12 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 13. sayfa 13 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 14. sayfa 14 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 15. sayfa 15 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 16. sayfa 16 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 17. sayfa 17 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 18. sayfa 18 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 19. sayfa 19 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 20. sayfa 20 New Holland Zirai Traktör TN85DA E 21. sayfa 21

New Holland TN85DA E Zirai Traktör


0.2.1.    Denomination(s) commerciale(s) (le cas kltant) :        TN 60 A         TN 60 DA       TN 60 SA
          Commercial description(s) (where appropriate) :         TN 70 A         T'N 70 DA      TN 70 SA
                                                                  TN 75 A         TN 75 DA       TN 75 SA
                                                                  IN 85 DA        TN 85 SA       TN 85 A
                                                                  IN 95 DA        IN 95 SA       TN 95 A

0.3.      Moyen d'identification du type, s'il est indique sur
          le tracteur :                                           stated on manufacturer's plate
          Means of identification of type, if marked on the tractor :

0.3.1.    Plaque du constructeur :                                EXRX, EXSX :
          (emplacement et mode de fixation)                       riveted on the right-hand side of the tractors gearbox housing,
          Manufacturer's plate (location and method of affixing) :on the front of driver's seat,
                                                                  or on the internal side of the right mudguard,
                                                                  EXCX, EXDX :
                                                                  riveted on the left rear side of the tractor, inside the safety cab

0.3.2.    Nunro d'identifıcation du chassis (emplacement) : stamped on front right hand side of the front axle support
          Chassis identifıcation number (location) :

0.4.      Catgorie de tracteur / Category of tractor              Tl

0.5.      Nom et adresse du constructeur :                        CNH lnternational S.A. 
          Name and address of manufficturer :                     13, rue Aldringen
                                                                  L - 1118 Luxembourg

0.8.      Nom(s) et adresse(s) de l'(des) usine(s) de montage :   CNH ITALIA S.p.A. 
          Name(s) and address(es) of assembly plant(s)            Via Leone X111 
                                                                  1 - JESI

          AutoritC dWge:                                          Societe Nationale de Certification et d'Homologation
          Assıgned authorıty:                                     L - 5201 Sandweiler

          Service technique char0 des essais de rfteption:        LUXCONTROL s.a.
          Technical service conducting approval tests:            B.P.349
                                                                  L - 4004 ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE

          Presente aux essais le / Submitted tbr tests on :       24.03.2006

          Date et numero du procCs-verbal du laboratoire:         no. LCT 54 219 001 6 from 08.06.2006
          Date and number of test report issued by the laboratory .

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