Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 1. sayfa 1 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 2. sayfa 2 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 3. sayfa 3 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 4. sayfa 4 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 5. sayfa 5 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 6. sayfa 6 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 7. sayfa 7 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 8. sayfa 8 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 9. sayfa 9 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 10. sayfa 10 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 11. sayfa 11 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 12. sayfa 12 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 13. sayfa 13 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 14. sayfa 14 Luxell Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI 15. sayfa 15

Luxell LX 2895 BANYO ISITICI Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba

                    Instructions inanual
          Dear custoulix, iıı arder that yQUF huater prg,)vides yen                         14. Tlie frout            becoınes very 1101. ir t/wlıuiLer 
          with longlagnig ple~, please in ake Slire: yoo. follow                                 used over ex.tended penods of bini:. 1. dus rçason 
          'hese sle before İNIng for the lirs  timel                                             please da not lal,wh the
          po not Sus (his he-ater with a progmınınc                           tim er        15. r)o net caver the i tem.
          or ııy oilıcr antoinatie sitelhı device, beeause of                               16. The turhing anglt of the huni lıas liınitedto
           langer Qİ firo hazard if the haater is covered.                                  17. 131 ause corısiclor the safely sılocw,siDT15 0,151-1 by 
                           Saırely Inslructıons                                             18. CleZİİlf-3,- Ilorlelkeep the iteın in Çeneli with water,
            1. Only operalc the hezter with 230V (-), 50.6Ü Ha_                             19. l)o not wipe the beater with a wet eloth. Use a dry 
            2. The heater should only be assenıbled by qualified                                 eloth only. Ensure that the beater has cooleıd dowu 
               Rerırice perEouriel                                                               hefore wıpıng. lio n01 Condi. 1110 (1ıt-ır1}_ t ı r1.; 2S İ his 
            3. The appratus should not be inslalled elose to tbe                                 wi]1 leave nıarks.
               UILL111Z11.6 and nıaterials ıukıiclı ki.te tend tcı ınist-de.                20. The neuter is tcı Le iustalle d su liıat switches .cıud 
            4. I..)o not use Iliis item with a nine adjusting duck_ a                             Abur conlıols can not be touched Uy a person na 
               program key or another autcımatic key.                                            the hattı or shewer.
            5. The heater sheuld only be fixed lıorizental to the
                                                                                            Wall Avirmbly (111:1.ure 3 and 41
            6. Our equipment units are not desigaed for oeiliug                             Remove the serew from. the connedioneover and release 
               suspension. instal Eati on.                                                  it by pushing it ııpwards. Now tilt the hezıter downards. 
            7. Do nal pul the nein just beiow the el eelne soeket.                          Reinerubering Ci ohserve mins num distaneffl, ınark the 
            8. The inininıum distanee between the front grill and                           positions of the holes into whieb dowels are to be
               flanundble objects niust be 70 ıtau in the al-Cd vf                          inserted frouı /akitle to                     255 [ula. After the 
               radi2ti on_                                                                  dowels have belen inserted, attach the heater. Only lise 
            9. A switch, which is able to turn and off the poles                            power eords aecorcling to national standards.
               "1,- and "N- and which                  a 3        distance of 
               contact, shoılld be mounted tn Lhe cable of power.                           Can sten"). in Main Supply
          10. Do not use the heater if quartz tube was brokcıı.                             Conııcct the lead to the outl et nı accorclance with marks 
          11. The heater is suitable for tane in intenor rooms                              L and N "W".E,or sıfety rwasors i t is essential to coruıecl 
               as hattı 2TICİ ghrıwer mons a ucll as for rhonıg                             the earth wire z. veli. A fıcrky,:parlık, ril t the henter ııpward_g. 
               wlvdı are occupied for stıork periods of time only.                          Position it to find the best angle and tighten the pi yol
               (Picture 1 and 2)
          12. hı the open plaees the iteın can only be ıtse d in the 
               protwted establishments.                                                     fristruetfon for Use
          13. Please ta ke eare the seetion 737 of DIN V DE 0100                            Yön ean switch the hemr cm nr off by pul hın,p the core' 
               in the situations when the item has been as_senibled                         down.
               lc) thu open plia;cs_
                                                                     FiNTHROONI 1-1FATER
            MODEL                                                              POSITION
            LX 289.1               0                 1                2                 3                 0                1                2                 3
                                                 600 W           1200 W            1800 W               Off            600 W             1200 W          1000 W
            LX 289.2               0                 1                1                 2                 0                1                1                 2
                                  Ofr            750 W            750 W            15100 W              Oli'           750 W             750 W           I Silt] W
            LX 289.3               0                 1                1                 2                 0                1                1                 2
                                  Off            600 W            600 W        I 1200 W                 orr            600 W             600 W           1200 W
            LX Z89.4               0                 1                0                 1                 0                1                0                 1
                                  Off            750 W               Off           750 W                Off            750 W               uti            750 W
            LX 2:0.9,3             0         I       1                O                 1                 0                1                0                 1
                                  otr            600 W               C ff          600 W                Off            600 W               Off            600 w

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