Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 1. sayfa 1 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 2. sayfa 2 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 3. sayfa 3 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 4. sayfa 4 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 5. sayfa 5 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 6. sayfa 6 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 7. sayfa 7 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 8. sayfa 8 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 9. sayfa 9 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 10. sayfa 10 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 11. sayfa 11 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 12. sayfa 12 Kumtel Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba KS 2886 WINGO 13. sayfa 13

Kumtel KS 2886 WINGO Elektrikli Isıtıcı Soba

Dear eusiorner. in order that yoor healer provides you with lo-nglasling pleasure, please maka suni) you iollow Mose sleps before 'ming It bor 1he first 

Irrıportent Saf ety instnıctions

I. This healer İS 10 be used exclusively fOr heahnia MONIS
2. Only operale Ihe hea#ey wilh 220-240 V (-L 50-60 142.1-10~ rhUr3tutıed wElh 18A ıfuıe
3. The healer şhoukl only be assembler:1 by 4:1Lialified service persionnel when ihlali rbounting(wiiiı pormanoni conneetıon).
4. The apparatus should not be installed close to the Cunains and Oiher COrnbusiible materiaLS whiCh are iend 10 Misfile. 
5, The heaier ShOuld only be fixed horizOnta110 the wal1.00 not uSe it On the verilen' pOSitiOn.

      WRONG WRONG WRONG                                   RIGHT
                                                                             -II the device is to be rnounted on the waii. please make 
                                                     .g1W--"+                 sore that the mırins. pOvver tere kat is hreely accessible 
                                                                                 lirrEes and thM the deviçe is not mounied directLy 

                                                When deylce is operated near the Children Or handicopped parsons an adult parson should 
                                                supervise because o/ the device can not be proiec t for childr en. old and ior ilness per son. 
                                                'In any caStt tor hazernons. power suppiy öl deme must be pluaed wıLabla posihon lot 
                                                lake out aain DasiIy

G. De not pot Ihe dem /141 below the elecine SOCkai.                                                                    1
7. The minimurn distance betwean the kont gnıl and Ilamnbable ObteCIS musı be 70 em in the arca ol                —135 rol
   radıalıen.                                                                                        IS
B. A sw4ch, which ıs abie 10 turn and °Il the poles 'L" and "N" and which has ıs 3 mm dıstance of coniacı. 11111114)
   should be nriCiunted to the cable Ol pewer And rne synıch can be only operaled Oy puShing t aVOSS 
   and then down                                                                                                      loleı.LaO mrn
9. Men your heater's power cord is damaged, allow onty an authorized servieing agency to replace 
   the cable
10« DO n011 Lise 1he neate ıl heating tuteS wes broşton.
11. The heater is more suliable for use in inienor ro0015 as we4 as ler roOrnS whiC-1.1 ara OCeupied fr 
   ShOrl perIOCIS Of 'ima only. ıNclure 11
11 In ille open places the itorn can only be used in Ihe proiected establishments.
13. Please ıake cam the si3ction 737 of DIN. VDE 0100 In ihe situatiOns when 1he ileri' has been assembled tO tha Oben places
14. The kont grlil becomes very hot f the heater is used over exiencled perlods ot iline. For 'his reason, please do nol touch the 94.
15. 00 not CIL)Vef Ihe "tem because ol danger of iire hazard it the heater is coyered
16. The turnıng angle of ihe dem has ıımited tO 35'
17 Please COnsider the salely successions giyen by dray.irıgs.
1.8 For Cleanftlg DO not keep ihe iiern in touch wiih water For wipe the healer usa only moi51 cloth. FOr eleaning neve' rernOve 10 grld YOu Can uSe 
   lung and Chin brush that can be easıly out Inside ol gnii.Ancl Ensure that Ihe healer musı be out of olug and musı be cooled down berve wıpıng.
19 Do not uso this healer With a prograrnme swıtch,tırner or any elbet aulomatic swi1ching dovice. 