Kubota B2420D B8 Traktör
K U BOTA Corporation MODEL INFORMATION DOC UMENT No.: B8-2003/37-00 Type: B8 PAGE: 9/23 Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Revision No.: --- Revi. Date: --- 4. Transmission 4.1. D/agram of the transm/ss/on system see annex 4.1. 4.2. Type (mechan/cal, hydraul/c, electr/c, echan/cal etc.) 4.2.1. Br/ef descr/pt/on of the electr/cal/ not appl/cable electron/c components (/f any) 4.3. Eng/ne flywheel moment of /nert/a 6.03 N·m2 4.3.1. Add/t/onal moment of /nert/a /f no gear /s engaged - 4.4. Clutch (type) (/f any) dry d/sk type 4.4.1. Max/mum torque convers/on (/f any) not appl/cable 4.5. Gearbox (type, d/rect engagement, method of control) (/f any) - 4.6. Gear rat/os (/f any) w/th or w/thout transfer box 4.6.1. Max/mum d/mens/on of tyres on powered axle 4.7. Calculated max/mum tractor des/gn speed /n top gear (show factors used /n calculat/on) (km/h) 4.7.1 easured max/mum speed (km/h) see annex 4.6. / 4.7. see annex 4.6. / 4.7. see annex 4.6. / 4.7. Var/ant Speed(km/h) Tyre Transm/ss/on B2420D * 1 180/85D 12 9 speeds 19.0 2 9.5-18 4.8. Actual forward movement of powered see annex 4.8. wheels correspond/ng to one complete revolut/on 4.9. Speed governor no 4.10. Speedometer, tachometer and hour meter (/f f/tted) / Vers on