Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 1. sayfa 1 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 2. sayfa 2 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 3. sayfa 3 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 4. sayfa 4 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 5. sayfa 5 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 6. sayfa 6 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 7. sayfa 7 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 8. sayfa 8 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 9. sayfa 9 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 10. sayfa 10 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 11. sayfa 11 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 12. sayfa 12 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 13. sayfa 13 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 14. sayfa 14 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 15. sayfa 15 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 16. sayfa 16 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 17. sayfa 17 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 18. sayfa 18 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 19. sayfa 19 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 20. sayfa 20 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 21. sayfa 21 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 22. sayfa 22 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 23. sayfa 23 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 24. sayfa 24 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 25. sayfa 25 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 26. sayfa 26 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 27. sayfa 27 Keeway Motosiklet LANDCRUISER PFN 28. sayfa 28

Keeway LANDCRUISER PFN Motosiklet

                      Techone 10 que no procoda / Delire when not applkatıla

                                                                                        ';;;;14, :5,17• ',!.=»,»İe•ırv'ı.                                                                                             6:4*/*:Iİİıtı


Coneunicazione ılguardinteCornmunkeltion cone-8~g:


- reetensione delromologszlonetextenelon of typeıtpproval


di un tipo di veicolo per quento nguarda la Direttiva 2002r24/CEtof e type of vehicle wfth nıgard to ()kediye 

Numero di omokıgazIonelType-eppnoyal number. e3•2002/24•0386•01
Motivo dell'estensionelReeson for exteneion:

- dtetnenlivi dl Olunan/0one e segnaleslone turfanda', pneurnetlot

-light (»ma!, lyffiS


               Marc. o metche (denomlnezIone commeroltae del                                                                                                    KEEWAYILEONE/KEEWAY 8Y OIANJIANG/ 
0.1. costruttore):                                                                                                                                                                        VFFROAD/NIPPONIA
               Make(e) (trade neme of the manufecturer):
0.2            Tipo/ Type.                                                                                                                           PFN Variente/vanant 0 Versionelversion. M 

0.2.1 DesignazIone(i) conmerciale(i)/Commerelal neme(e):                                                                                                                   LANDCRUISER/KW250-LIQJ 260-L

               Mlezzl dl Identhkezione del tipo ee meme!! elli
O 3            veicolo/Meens of kientlficetion nf type, if merked on the                                                                             TSYPFNOM????????, 

0.3 1          Poarzlone della morcatura/Locatton of that Merking:                                                                                   R, X 390, Y 25, Z 790

0,4            Cetegoria/Category..                                                                                                                  L3e

                                                                                                                                                     KEEVVAY iNTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO., 
               Nome e Indlrizzo dal costruttore dal velcoloiNeme and 
0,6.           edim« of the vehicle menufactumr.                                                                                                     LTD. 000 sede in 2000 KOZUZO STR. 8. 
                                                                                                                                                     SZENTENDRE, HUNGARY
0.5.1. Nome e IndlrIzzo dello o degil stebillmerill dl monteggi0                                                                                     CHANJIANG GROUP CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                                                     con sede in WANCHANG ROAO. WENLING CITY. 

                 Name(s) and IddleaS(08) of ageembly plent(e):                                                                                       ZHEJIANG PROVINCE ,CHINA
II sottoscrtrto certtfica resattezza della descrtzlone del coetrunore che figura nelfallegata schada informative reletive al 

veicolo di cui more (uno o pal camdoni reppreeentethr) dal quale, scelti delfautonta di onfologazione, mono altına 
oreeenteti come prototlpo(t) del tipo da omologare) e che I rIsultati deUe prove iyi allegati el riferiscono al medesimo tipo 

di velcolo.
The undersigned hereby certifies the accurecy of the menufeeturer's deacription In the attached Information docurnerıt 

of ttıe vehicJe type deacrlbed ebove, for vıhkh one er several representativc semples, aelected by the competent 
aporovel authorthes, has (have) been aubmItted es prototype(s) of the velilere type and that the attached test results are 

epplıcable to the vehIcle type.
II tipo di veloolo/The vehide type                                                                                                                   Soddletatmeeta - rıen-eled.diete,sleea-rakorteet 

aile prescrizIonl tecniche dl tutte le dlrettive perticolart applkabili (quali modificate de ultimo) eancate halt* tebelle 

delrarlegato I della direttiva 2002/24/CE,

the technical requirementa of all relevant separate DirectIves (es faal amended) li red                                                                                                                                          of Annex Ito Directive
L'ornolOgeZiOne &IThe epprovel Is                                                                                         Coneeesaypented 
The approval ie                                                                                                           granted
LuogotPface                                                                                                               ROMA

Firma                                                                                                                                                             Dr. Ing.


Date 21/07/20DB