clr. CE ı cr.zaaın ıc•rn ı0'()!
0.31. EmpTE:cemont de ee morquage sur la plaquo constructour
Lacntion ol that marking :
0.zt, Cateıgorin de vi=:ttienıe Mı
Category of vehfcla
0,5. Nam ct. Adrouo du constructour du vit,hicule complet
Name and of manufacturer of the complete vehicle
lıkutuı nah ite Mit() iS
Intnıcubte Colie III
12, nın Fructidor
75835 PARIS C.EDIX 17
Nom nt ndresse du constructeur du vffiiculo do basa: non coneeımı.
NAIM. nnd nddres3 of manufa,::turer of the basa ~IP : not applicable.
Nam et adresse du conntructeut rnsponsabla da l'executıon da tu Cernli5rei;,,tape de
construction du vhicuto : non concem6
Name and rtddress ol menvfacturor of the latest hallt stage of the it complete
vehleule epplicohlo
Nom et adrrsse du constructeuf du vM15oule cornplöt6 : non noncernn
NfIrrie And k?D'd'eswof rnanufeetumr ol oomplatod vehIcle not applicoble
o G. Norn et Adre5se de.s innılıatlons da montage : Voir annexa
Neme Arıd iıcidress_of cmblyafıints : Sev enclosuro
Je $ousri■gr. cortitıe pFir İ presnnte l'exaçtlıtudo de la descriptıon du conetructour 4.1:-ıns In
fiened renseignomonts en annoxe relatIvn au(x) Wınkuie(s) dacrit(s) ci-dessut:ı [un (cies)
chantilıon(f.ı) ayant ?.:te choin() por les auteritş3s cornpetentos en mal6 de raception CE, et
presente s) pat e constructeur en tAnt qui; prOtetypn(e) du tyr.2e CIP. v81"licule1,' ninc:ı cun
l'app1iceb1111 ou type du vhkia da s rkwitats esai en ennexe. :
The undersigIned hPteby der:Vico the nocuracy of tho trıenuf2cturer's description in the
attached information doct.iment of tho vohicle(s) described above 1(a) sampte.(s) having heen
.lected t:1y the EC type-approval authority and suhraitted hy the manufp4cturer 4R-R prototype of
the vahinh, tYPel and itUt the RttachOd test rettults ara appIk4bie lo the type.
1. Vehiculesivariantes complettı/ötes et complfRe e)s :
Complete 2nd campietnd vehicle4mriants
Le type cia vhicure satinfait aUX exigeneos tochn/ques de toutes fon dirlY.fivce. prıniauffere,s;
pEırtfrı:ntc.".. vAe3 eux annexe IV el CIÇ.1la direatIve "1'0/156/CEE.
The type moots the tnchnical mquirements of alt the tnlevant soperate directives es
pro!-..onbed in annox 1V and onnex XI to directiva 70/756/LEO
2.V6hiCUİOS/WIrk,rites ineornpletr.../tes nnn concern6
ıncempfnta ychiciesıvorinnts : not ,ipplittebte
3. La recnpıinn aceordtio
The ,v;nroval is grantod
İlginizi çekebilecek Citroen marka Binek Otomobil ürünleri