Argox X-1000VL Barkod Etiket Yazıcı
Tamtma ve Kullanma Kılavuzu
IIsuDd Dater Nov. 11, 2009
Report 14 o.! 09B221R-ITCEPOTW04
rhıs ıs ta certify that the foi iowıng EıgnatıK1 product
Praduct Ilıdu 5.trıal Bartacie Printer
Trade name ARGOX
M ochel Numher X-20 00Vi X-1000V senes
Company Name A rgox Iniromlation.Co.,Ltd.
Thıs product. which has been ıssued the test report lısred as above in.QueTek
Laboratoryr, 5 based on a single eval4ıatıon o one sample am1 coatirmed ta
tomply wrth the requırements of the followıng EIHCst.enclard.
Ef 55022:1€46,141: 7.002 Class 9 EN 5_5024: ig 413+AI: 2001+A2: 1'083
'E N 51*00 1G H5 SEC Edition 1.2: 21e1.-04
EN 5149-11-3 -3:1995 -Al: 19111 -Alı 5.0-115I EC IN50-4-3 Edition 3.12: 2106
IEC IDO-0-4-4: 2i 15.4
IEC IDO-0-4-1 Ldition MOS
Le 5.i:HM-4-15 Ldlt.lo n 2_2: 2.1506
IEC i.{,Di:7-4-8 Edific, 2-8151-i3
IEC D-4-11 Send 21-1) 3
tEsr LAboılAruRv
%%tent Lin rılanagır
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W3-22. 51,ei-50. Wide-F; Akıe-Fsng Ltı Kau 5Meng, "Emel 2.4 Tawsen, Rıa
.895-2,9691-378.9 FAX 1,355-2,9631 -3705 Erthrd:sen‹,:e.g.q.~.carn 0LI::1:1Pınrw.wiete«.ccen
Sayfa 25