New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 1. sayfa 1 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 2. sayfa 2 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 3. sayfa 3 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 4. sayfa 4 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 5. sayfa 5 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 6. sayfa 6 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 7. sayfa 7 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 8. sayfa 8 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 9. sayfa 9 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 10. sayfa 10 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 11. sayfa 11 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 12. sayfa 12 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 13. sayfa 13 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 14. sayfa 14 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 15. sayfa 15 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 16. sayfa 16 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 17. sayfa 17 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 18. sayfa 18 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 19. sayfa 19 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 20. sayfa 20 New Holland Zirai Traktör JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD 21. sayfa 21

New Holland JA/T4050 ROPS 2WD Zirai Traktör


    Je soussigne, eertifie par la presente, l'exactitud^,Je la description du eonstructeur dans la fiche de renseignements
    cn annexe, reh.tive             tracteur(s) decrit(s) ci-deFsus, jun(des) echantillon(s) de chaque vehicule ayant cte 
    4.'hoisi s) pni- tes autorites competentes en matiere de reception CE par type, et presente(s) par k constructeur 
    comme prototype(s) du type de vehiculei cinsi que Papplicabilite au type du tracteur des resultats d'essai joints en 
    etine e.
    !    undersigned herebv cerOfy tlınt the mmullacturer^ s description ir. the attached information doeutnent of the vehn:le( deseribed ahove
      samp:e     each vehiele having heett selectcd hy the F.0 type-approval authority and submitted hy the manunteturer as prolotype of the vehicle 
      !1 is accurcm: and that the attacned test results are applicahle to the vehiele type.

1. pour les vehicules complets et-eom-pletes4-44iFiafttes(1) / For complete and-e~ vellieles/

    le type de tracteur salisfait he-satisfait-pas M aux exigences de toutes les directives particulieres pertinentes.
        tepe ,-)t'uactor rneets                 the requiremenıs of all of the relevant separate directives.

               vehicuks ineomplets                                          not appiicablc
        Meemph.le venic-les '"

    ia reception         par type est accordee / -r-efus4e /-r-ethr-ee (I)
        type appreval is gramed ı ıeitrsxct sv-ift+dHw,,A

4. la reception CE par type est aecordee conformement 
    Partici:: Il de la Directive 2003:37 et est valable                     not applicable
     .(--1pc-approvn ;:s J2,ranted timler Article 11 of Directive 2003/ 37! 
    liC and shall hc valiti anti):

    Hate                                                                    17 septembre 2007

    LieU Place :                                                            Sandweiler

    "ignmın e:

               Pour k Ministrc cies Transports                                                 Pour la SNCH


                                                                                                                       c4kfitae E14
                        Paul SCHM1T                                                           Claude LIESCH 
             Commissaire du Gouvernernent                                                Conseiller de Direetion

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