Kullanım Kılavuzları
Concentrated frult iuice 12 months Margarine 12 months Fruit (in general) 8 ta 12 montlıs theesıs Citrus fruit and fresh fruit 4 ta 6 months Carnembert, rnozzarella, 3 months juice spreading cheese VelOtablei Crearn cheeses da not free,ze Comrnerciany frozen 8 rnonths Brie. Emmenthal, Swiss 6 to 8 rnonths Home frozen 8 to 12 rnonths cheese, etc (freezing may affect cheese texture) Sausages 4 weeks os test Harnburgers 1 rnomh 12 montha Beef, veal. !ama 2 to 3 months Beef 6 to 12 months Lama and veal 6 to 12 months Whele (beaten), whites. yolks 12 months Park 4 to 8 months Fresh sausages 1 ta 2 rnonths PASTRY AND BREAD Steaks and disps Leavened bread and rolle 3 months Beef 8 to 12 months Unbaked bread 1 rnonth Larrib, veal, park 2 to 4 rnonths Croissants 3 months Cakes (not kod) 2 to 4 months Cod, fiounder, sok 6 months Cakes (iced) and biscuits 6 ta 12 rnonths Salman Ito 3 months Fruit pies 12 months Mackerid. perch 2 to 3 months Biscuit pastry 3 months Dressed fish (purchased) 3 months Ne pastry 4 to 6 months Clarns, oysters 3 to 4 mond :