Kullanım Kılavuzları
ECG/RESP Monitoring PVCs alarm upper limits: Max Min Step PVCs 10 1 1 PVCs alarm and prompt message: If the alarm recording switches in relevant menus are set to ON, the physiological alarms caused by parameter exceeding alarm limit can trigger the recorder to automatically output alarming parameter value and corresponding measuring waveform. Tables below list out the possible physiological alarms, technical alarms and prompt messages that may occur during PVCs measurement. Physiological alarms: Message Cause Alarm Level PVCs TOO HIGH PVCs measuring value is above upper alarm limit. User-selectable Technical alarms: Message Cause Alarm Level Remedy PVCs ALM LMT Functional safety HIGH Stop using PVCs alarming ERR failure function, notify biomedical engineer or Mindray service staff. ARR RELEARN Pick this item to start a learning procedure. ARR ALARM Pick this item to access the ARR ALARM dialog box to set arrhythmia alarm parameters. ALM: alarm switch. LEV: alarm level. REC: alarm recording switch. 11-100