TÜV Rheinland
Test Report 81-2003/37-74058/07
Manufacturer Kubota Corporation TÜVRheinland
Type • L7
3_ Dfiver perceived sound_ levçl
Number of basit diredive and most reeen1 anıendınent applicable for type-approval. For a directive with two
or more application phases, indicate which pluse:
77/311fFFC-2006/26/EC, Amiex 11
Var .anı 1,3540M-W L4240M-W L4240M-U L4240H-U
L3540M-R, L4240M-R
Openings elosed
d.13(A) 85_2 854 83.1 82,8
Openings open
d13(A) - - 82.5 81.6
Varioni. L5040(F1tvf-W L5040(F)G-11 L5240(F)H-W L5740(F)I-I-U
L5040 F M-R L5040(F/M-U L5240(F)f-f-U
Openings closed
d13(A) 84.2 82.0 84.1 81.3
Openings open
dB(A) - 81.0 - 81.8
TÜV Rhelolend lıfternburg GmöH 2a, Kallıı!serucx Telefon 00352 i 52 2B.OB Page 16
L - 1352 Lwernburg Telehnt DD352 ı. 52 Si 95