Kullanım Kılavuzları
TÜV Rheinland Luxemburg Test Report No.: 81-2003/37-74058/07 Manufacturer Kubota Corporation TÜVRheinland Type L7 Pârt 11 results aecording ta Annex 11, Chapwr C, Pati 11 of the direçtive 1. Results of the sound-level tests Numher of basic directive and most recent anıendment applicable for type-approval. For a direetive with-1w° or ınore application phases, indieate which phasç: 74/15i 1EEC-2006/26/EC Annex VI Variant L'3540M-* L42401v1-* 1,4240H-* 1,5040tF)M-* L3.240(F)H-* 1,5740(F)14-* 1,504.-* Moving (4B(A)) 79 79 79 81 83 81 Stationary (d.B(A)) 74 74 73 74 74 Engine speed (miii]) 2025 inin-1 2025 rnitfl 1950 mitfl 1950 rıaln-1 2025 İmir( 2 Resulis of the exhaust ernission tests Nurnber of basic directive and most recent amerıdment applicabk for type-approval. For a direetive with two or more application pha ses, indicate which phase: 97/68/EC-2004i26/EC (Stagc 111A) and 77/5371EEC-97/541EC (for smoke Variant L5740(F)*-* L5240.(F)*-* L5040(F)*-* L.4240*-* L3540*-* Engine 71(EXL02,4FAD, 71(BXL02,4FAD, 81(B) L02,4HAD, YKI3XL02,2FCD, YKRXL02,4FCD, Type V2403 -NI-T-E112 V2403 -M-T-E114 V2403 -M-T-E1.13 V2203-EU16 D1803-M-EU7 CO (g/kWh) 0.93 0.93 0,91 1,00 1,00 FIC -I- NOx 3.79 3.79 3.39 6.6-4 6.44 (g/kW) Farlieulates 0_18 0_18 0,20 0.43 043 (grkWh) Smoke 1.28 1.01 1.43 0.85 0.84 (in-1) TrjV Rheırdano Lınernburg GmbH2a, Kalchtestruck Telefon 00 52 52 29 09 Page 15 L -11352 Luzerntiurg Telefax 00352 .152 31 05