Kullanım Kılavuzları
- Close the lid by placing over the pressure and by pressing gently. - The lid will turn off automatically when you turn the on off handle for counter clock wise. - Switch the pressure control valve to 1st and 2nd stage positions in accordance with the type of food that you cook and your experience. - Light a fire and place your pressure cooker a stove that flame cannot overflow, Steam exit will be for a while from your pressure cooker's lock system. Then the lock system will be shut down, it will take a few minutes to reach the desired cooking pressure. The sign of having reached the correct pressure is the gradual onset of constant steam from stage pressure regulating valve. - Decrease the heat input by reducing the fire when steam exits from pressure regulating valve. Start the cooking time by looking at your watch. - Wait 5-8 minutes by closing the stove at the end of cooking time. (Boiling continues for some time even the fire of the stove is closed in thermal based stainless steel pressure cooker. Because the stored heat in aluminum thermal base will continue to cook your food. If you switch the Stage Pressure Regulating Valve to "0" position constantly inside the pressure cooking, vapor along with part of your food which is liquid exit with pressure. This can lead to burns or contamination of your kitchen. It is healthier to wait for stopping the boiling and relieve the vapor.) - Ensure the vapor relieving completely by switching pressure regulating valve to "O" position at the end of this period. Pressure safety lock is available in the new version pressure cookers, the lid lock cannot open without relieving the pressure. However, do not attempt to open the lid before vapor is reset in terms of safety. 29