• Before using the appliance for the first time • The bread sticks to the container after baking
wash the bread baking machine’s baking Leave the bread to cool for about 10 minutes
tin (never dip in water) with a mild detergent after baking – turn the container upside
and clean the kneading pegs. down. If necessary move the kneading peg
• It is highly recommended to coat the new shaft back and forth. Grease the kneading
baking tin and the kneading pegs with heat hooks before baking.
resistant grease before using them for the • How do you avoid the forming of holes in
first time and let them heat in the oven for the bread owing to the presence of the
about 10 minutes at 160°C. Once these kneading pegs
have cooled down clean away (polish) the You can remove the kneading pegs with
grease from the baking tin with a sheet of your fingers covered with flour before
paper towel. This operation is to be leaving the dough to rise for the last time.
performed to protect the nonstick coating. Depending on the program the display
This operation can be repeated from time must still show a total time of approx. 1:30
to time. hours.
• After use always leave the appliance to • The dough spills over when it is left to rise.
cool before cleaning it or putting it away. This happens in particular when wheat flour
It takes about half an hour for the appliance is used owing its greater content of gluten.
to cool and to be ready again for baking Remedy:
and kneading. a) Reduce the amount of flour and adjust the
• Before cleaning pull out the plug and leave amounts of the other ingredients. When the
the appliance to cool. Use a mild detergent. bread is ready, it will still have a large
Never use chemical cleaning agents, volume.
gasoline, oven cleaners or any detergent b) Spread a tablespoon of heated liquefied
that can scratch or ruin the coating. margarine on the flour.
• Remove all the ingredients and crumbs • The bread rises and spills over anyway
from the lid, casing and baking a) If a V-shaped ditch forms in the middle of
compartment (E) with a moist towel. Never the bread, the flour does not have enough
dip the appliance in water nor fill the baking gluten. This means that the wheat contains
compartment with water! For easy cleaning too little protein (it happens during especially
the lid can be removed by positioning it rainy summers) or that the flour is too moist.
vertically and pulling it out. Remedy: add one tablespoon of wheat
• Wipe the outside of the baking tin with a gluten for 500 g of wheat.
moist towel. The inside of the tin can be b) If the bread has a funnel shape in the
washed with some detergent liquid. Do not middle, the possible cause can be one of
leave it too long dipped in water. the following:
• Both the kneading pegs and drive shafts – the water temperature was too high;
need to be cleaned immediately after use. – too much water was used;
If the kneading pegs remain in the tin, it – the flour was poor in gluten.
becomes difficult to remove them - Draft caused by opening the lid while
afterwards. In this case fill the container baking.
with warm water and leave it to rest for 30 • When can the lid of the bread baking
minutes. Then remove the kneading pegs. machine be opened during the baking?
• The baking tin has a nonstick coating. Do Generally speaking, it is always possible
not use metal objects that can scratch the while the kneading is underway. During this
surface when cleaning it. It is normal that phase small quantities of flour or liquid can
the color of the coating changes over the still be added.
course of time. This change does not alter If the bread must have a particular aspect
its effectiveness in any way whatsoever. after baking, proceed as follows: before
• Before putting the appliance away for the last rising phase (Depending on the
storage, make sure that it is perfectly cool, program the display must still amount to a
clean and dry. Put the appliance away with total time of approx. 1:30 hours.) open the
the lid closed. lid with caution and shortly and carve the