1. DISPLAY use perishable ingredients such as milk,
eggs, fruit, yogurt, onions, etc.!
This displays signals when the appliance 4. COLOR key
is ready for use. It corresponds to the normal The desired browning level is set with this
program. “1 3:25” appears on the display. key: LIGHT – MEDIUM – DARK.
The “1” specifies which program has been
chosen and the “3:25” is the length of the 5. QUANTITY key
program.The position of two markings It provides for the following settings in the
shows the degree of browning that has various programs:
been selected and the weight. The basic LEVEL I = for small bread weights up to
setting after switching the appliance on is: 750 g.
“superior weight” and “medium browning LEVEL II = for medium bread weights up
level”. During operation the course of the to 1000 g.
program can be read on the display. As LEVEL III = for large bread weights up to
the program proceeds the digits of the set 1250 g.
time will decrease progressively. Other In the recipes you will find our
parts of the programme, such as the timer, recommended quantities.
heating, kneading, pause, rising, baking,
keeping warm and programme end are 6. SELECTION key
also shown in the display. Use this menu key to run one of the available
programs described in detail in the „Bread
2. START/STOP key Baking Machine
To start and stop the program. As soon as Program Phases“ table. Use the programs
the START/STOP key is pressed, the points for the following specialties:
of the time value start to blink. Use the 1. NORMAL For white and wheat and rye
START/STOP key to stop the program in bread. This program is used the most.
any moment. Keep the key pressed until a 2. WHITE BREAD For the preparation of
signal beep is heard. The starting position particularly light white bread
of the aforementioned start program 3. WHOLEMEAL For wholemeal bread
appears on the screen. If you want to use 4. SWEET BREAD for preparing sweet yeast
a different programme, please select this dough, for example
using the AUSWAHL button before starting 5. RAPID for the kneading and baking of
the programme. bread loafs of up to 1250 g.
6. DOUGH To knead bread dough
3. TIME keys 7. NOODLE DOUGH for producing noodle
The following programs can be started with dough
the timer: NORMAL (1), WHITE BREAD (2), 8. YOGURT To make yoghurt bread weighing
WHOLEMEAL (3) and SWEET BREAD (4). up to 1000 g
The RAPID (5), DOUGH (6), NOODLE 9. MARMALADE To cook marmalades and
DOUGH (7) and MARMALADE (9) jams
programs cannot be started with the timer. 10.BAKING To brown bread or cakes
The hours and minutes after which the
preparation should be started need to be BREAD BAKING MACHINE FUNCTIONS
added to the relevant basic time for the
specific program. The maximum time delay Buzzer function
is 14 hours and 58 minutes per programme. The buzzer goes off:
• When pressing all the program keys;
Example: It is 8.30 p.m. and the bread must • After the second kneading during the
be ready the next morning by 7.00 a.m., NORMAL, WHOLE-WHEAT and SWEET
i.e. in 10 hours and 30 minutes. Press the BREAD programmes, to indicate that seeds,
TIME key until 10.30 appears, that is to say fruits, nuts and other ingredients can now
the time between now (8.30 p.m.) and when be added.
the bread must be ready. • When the end of the program is reached.
When working with the timing function never During the warming phase at the end of