1.INTRODUCTION 7. The bread making machine must be kept at
Thank you for purchasing Fakir Laris a distance of at least 10 cm from other
Automatic Bread Baking Machine which has objects when it is working.The appliance
been designed and manufactured to give can be used only indoors.
you many years of trouble-free service. You 8. Make sure that power cable does not touch
may already be familiar with using a similar any hot surface and that it does not hang
product, but do please take time to read over a table edge thus avoiding, for example
these instructions – they have been written that children may grab it.
to ensure you get the very best from your 9. Never place the appliance either on or near
purchase. a gas or electrical stove top or a oven.
10. Pay great attention when handling the
Safety is Important appliance especially when it is full of hot
To ensure your safety and the safety of liquids.
others, please ensure you read the Safety 11. Never remove the baking tin while the
Instructions before you operate this product. appliance is stil working.
Keep this information in a safe place for 12. Do not fill the baking tin with an amount of
future reference. ingredients greater than that required
recipe!If this should happen, bread will not
take evenly or the dough will
2.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS overflow.Follow the instructions carefully.
1. Do not touch any of the appliance’s hot 13. Metal foils or other materials must not be
surfaces, use oven clothes.The brade put inside the appliance as these may cause
making machine is very hot after baking. a fire or a short circuit.
2. Never dip the connection cable or the 14. Never cover the appliance with towels or
appliance in water or any other liquid. other materials during use.The heat and
3. Keep your eye on the appliance when steam must be free to escape.
children around.Unplug the appliance if it Danger of fire if the appliance is covered
is not being used and before cleaning it. with the flammable materials or comes in
Before removing single parts of the contact with curtains, etc.
appliance let it cool down. 15. Before trying to bake a given type of bread
4. Never use the appliance with a defective overnight, try to recipe first while keeping
connection cable,after malfunctions or if an eye on it to make sure that the doses of
the appliance happen to be damaged in any ingredients are correct, heat the dough is
way whatsover!In these cases have the not too thick or thin that the quantity is too
Customer check and repair it much and the hence risk is over flowing.
necessary.Never try to repair it yourself. 16. The appliance is a heat-instulated cool touch
The warranty is void in this latter case. housing.
5. The use of accessories not recommended The metal part become hot during use Leave
by the manufacturer can cause damage. the appliance to cool before putting it away.
Use the appliance exclusively for the
envisaged purposes. The manufacturer is not liable if this
6. Lay the appliance firmly on the counter to appliance is used for commercial purposes
avoid that it falls off during kneading of a or in any way or manner that does not
thick dough. This is especially important comply with the instructions here in
when using the preprogram function and provided.
the apliance is not being watched.In the case
of extremely smooth counters the appliance
should be placed on a thin rubber mat to
avoid any risk of falling.