Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 1. sayfa 1 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 2. sayfa 2 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 3. sayfa 3 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 4. sayfa 4 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 5. sayfa 5 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 6. sayfa 6 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 7. sayfa 7 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 8. sayfa 8 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 9. sayfa 9 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 10. sayfa 10 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 11. sayfa 11 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 12. sayfa 12 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 13. sayfa 13 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 14. sayfa 14 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 15. sayfa 15 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 16. sayfa 16 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 17. sayfa 17 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 18. sayfa 18 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 19. sayfa 19 Kuba Motorsiklet CG 150 CG 150 20. sayfa 20

Kuba CG 150 CG 150 Motorsiklet

                                                                                                      SOCIB.TE. NAT1ONALE DE 
             GRAND-DUCHB DE LUXEMBOURG                                           CERTIFICATION ET D'HOMOLOGATION
             Ministere du Developpement durable 
             et des Infrastructures                                                                         Registre de Commerce: B 27180
             DUpartement dee Transpods 

             L-2938 Luxembourg                                                                                        L-5201 Sandweiler

Reference: e13*2002/24*0391*00

Annexes:          - Rapport Technique
                  - Fiche de Renseignements du constructeur                                        Sandweiler, 24 Ucembre 2009

           Communication concernant:                     - la reception (t)
           Communication concerning:                       type-approval
                                                           ilexten.sior~~„ (1)

                                                           extension of type approvak
                                                         - le-refus-de-la-reeeption (1)
                                                           refusal of type approval
                                                         - le-retr-alt-de-1-a-rkeption (1)
                                                           withdrawal of type approvnl.
      d'un type de vehicule en vertu de la directive 2002/24/CE modifiee en dernier lieu par la Directive 2006/120/CE
                              of a type of vehicle with regard to Directive 2002/24/EC as tost amended by Directive 2006/120/EC

                  Numero de reception:
                  Type-approval number:                                          e13*2002/24*0391*00

                  Motif de l'extension:
                  Reason for extension:                                          not applicable

O.                GENERALITES

0.1.              Marque(s) (raison sociale du constructeur):
                  Make(s) (trade neme of manufacturer):                          KUBA; SKYJET; SANLG

0.2.              Type:
                  Type:                                                          CG150

0.2.1.            Denomination(s) commerciale(s):
                  Commerctal name(s):                                            CG150, SJ150; SL150

                  Variant(s)/version(s):                                         not applicable

0.3.              Moyens d'identification du type, su est
                  indique sur le vehicule:
                  Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle:     VIN

0.3.1.            Emplacement de cette identification:
                  Location of that marking                                       on right side of main frame and statutory marking
                                                                                 refer to drawing N° 150-34 of manufacturer's information 

0.4.              Categorie (2):