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EXPLANATION TABLE FOR VARIANT AND VERSION IN HOM.TYPE: RJ14 2002/24/EC Ref.-no PAGE 66 242 7 016 :E 1 Naked S M ın sp .-- -o w C » left-hand ,/, co ..- .— o tv i 1: _,ı Eı .- ı: u- 276kg to _ıc 4 L: ıi 2 oo csı .- L: u_ in ...- .- ...., o ,L. 04 8 .o. .... c O C." FUA0020 140km/h in 6 th gear 0 C o o 04 c., CO ı '''..0 E aı o c.ı .6 40km/h: +2.0/0 80km/h: +5.0/+1.0 120km/h: +7.0/+3.0 140km/h: +9.0/+5.0 626.8 Hz at 60 knı/h = Naked JYARJ145000000301 left-hand 2 co co .-- 201kg 101kg Rr100kg 276kg 2 .-- CC .ıc co N_ ı.: u- 25.0/11500 36.6/4000 co FUA0020 140km/h in 6 th gear 'c o 1B3-30 0-299 km/h 0-189 mph 20mph: +2.0/0 60mph: +6.0/+2.0 80mph: +8.0/+4.0 100mph: +10.0/+6.0 1007.6 Hz at 60 mph Naked JYARJ145000000301 right-hand 2 CD ..-. .2 ..— o el Fr 1011% Rr100kg _ıcbo D e4 o-- Fr 128kg Rr 148kg 25.0/11500 ,l' . o 05 M " 8 . 2 140km/h in 6 th gear O 'C o Z o "I o, 02 0-299 km/h 40km/h: +2.0/0 80km/h: +5.0/+1.0 120km/h: +7.0/+3.0 140km/h: +9.0/+5.0 626.8 Hz at 60 km/h 0.2 VARIANT VERSION BODY WORK DIMENSION 0.7.1 The serial numbering of the type begins with No.: 1.6.1 Vehicle is equipped to be driven in right-hand or Ieft-hand rule of the road traffıc: w ,„ c c m O 04 12.1 Mass of vehicle in running order. 2.1.1 Distribution of that mass between the axles: 2.2 Mass of vehicle in running order, together with rider 2.2.1 Distribution of that mass between the axles: Maximum net power output: (kW/min-1) Net maximum torque: (Nm/min-1) Ignition unit Type(s): 4.6 Maximum speed of vehicle and gear in which it is reached (in km/h): 4.7.1 Speedometer Make(s): 4.7.2 Speedometer Type(s): 4.7.4 Range of speeds displayed: 4.7.5 Tolerance of the speedometer's measuring mechanism: 4.7.6 Technical constant of the speedometer