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yıkE Rxrlın C.:Dr nıını:a- :rs TAESU EUROPE B.V. P.C. Buz ?5525 • 1113 ZN Schı-.9(!ı • The Nnlherl3nis 20 500 32 ?G Fwı -.0 23 1131-. E E 7d Declaration of Can formitz N'. "YE-DI:-..C.-0407-1212 '4e the undareigr:ec. .ompany: Yne u Europe R.V. Addn.ss. CRY: 11 ZN SohIpol Country: The MetıelanCIS Phone ntırrlıj.r: 1.'h:31)-20-5CD-52-rj Fax M.Irnber. cerrity Fınr. dedem undu our role reapone Itts; tnat the fClıwildrg squlpmont "1"pe of Ege p-nent B.Rrl Tffline.,niver Brnnd Name: YAESU Paudel Ni..rn her. VX-7R Manufgoh.rer rtax Standard Ca., Ltd. Add fess of Mehufacturer. 4-B-8 Na komeauro bloguro•ku Tr.kya 1.53-15044. Japan EU a EFTA rıembe9. .msnded far useE Austrid, eı kuın, Denmark. rirland, Fra-Ice, Cxrmany, Greece. Its'y. Lux;:nhourg. Tıe Netherards NorwaY, Partuel, So In. SuJedar, United KIngdu EFTA: Swilzerland, Iceland, Liqvnte.nstein Ister. er slate9 wirth r.21W.r.ctvo kise: None is kested ta end darfarms d-se essemil Yaeu.ramenks FEr pxy.sell.::..n of hr elft-. end th Safeb..of kh .iser and .any r.I.;h er persar and '10c.".roMagnefir, Campagleirty, as inoluaad in •allawing 2tandzırc:s! Applir.able Standard: E1V1C Standard: EN 301 480-1 (2001:1) EN 301 4B£-,15(20001 Sa'et)I Standard. b' N S0065 (ig:DB) Redb Standard: EN 3C 1 7.$3-1 (2040) and 'bul v.fare compl'ea wi-J yı9 e.m.erVa' renuirerr.ents end provis'ans of dıe Dirs~ 1 496f.)EC EL ropeen ParIı2ment and af Ihe Pourıoll of Mairoh 9, "..0E or Radio eq1Apment and Te lecom mu nication terminal Equipment gnd the mutuei racogni1lon of their ccıfurn 1.:,4 and with the pffivisi.ms of Annex IV (Confor.T.İly Asses%ment procedu re referred to ir, aniOe 10) The fuIls .ink Notified Budies have been W11.9,1119d in the C-7nforrni1y A9 s.assmonk pracedure: Name df NotIned Body: Cur..igeals Ackiress: PCI Bc : 15, 9622 Z NiekerR f he Ke:-IE-lanc Notified Body number: 0336 The te-uhnical documuntal:on as rewinad by the Conforniky Assesermnt ororedures is kept at the following addrea3: Compdny: Ydresv E..ırope 13.V_ Addrimts: 111E ZN 3Mhİphpl, This 1,1491INV1311d% Technical Constuatar. IssJed by Ver-mx Stance21 Tekyci: Jaoan Fils No ÇA92 0127 .+ 26 -lune , 20132 Drawn up iil : Se.rdriDI, The erlands Dalz : 4 July 200 Name and pueitor ; Ç_ A. .eeu. Manager VAT 1,1.0C•97039i13Q1 P.nk›.• T -A F.An. ni 1-(!kya. ki IlU!ilWı zec. E3 EG 11 15012 Arrız•ta-]am ,11.1%1:111 ON EL.11.1% 595