Kullanım Kılavuzları
Inserting Batteries in the Remote Control Handset • Remove the battery cover located on the back of the handset by gently pulling backwards from the indicated part. • Insert two AAA/R3 or equivalent type batteries inside. Place the batteries in the right directions and replace the battery cover. Note: Remove the battery from remote control handset when it is not to be used for a long period. Otherwise it can be damaged due to any leakage of batteries. Operating Range for the Remote Control • Point the top of the remote control toward the LCD TV's remote sensor LED while pressing a button. AUDIO DISPLAY I-I I HELP GUIDE SUBTITLE REPE AT TEXT /I LANG . RC MODE WATCH TV /C RETURN SETUP / TIME P P TV-RADIO OPTS 7 8 9 V.SOURCE +10 AV 0 -/-- LIST FREEZE FAV. ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQR STU VW X YZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 V - V+ TV S AT D V D DV D-R OK P + P- 30 30 Remote range is approximately 7m/23ft. English - 52 - 02-ENG-32800W-1110 UK-32INCH-17MB12-(1 52HDMI-VIRTUAL DOLBY-S-SVHS-BASIC PIP-VGA)-501487-C2p65 26.12.2007, 07:54 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark.