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Press ‘Enter’, ’1’ , ’5 ’ , ’0’ , ’0’ keys in the order and see above display. • Enter preset amount by observing display carefully. • Remove nozzle if value, you see on display is true. Else, press ‘CLR’ and re-enter correct value. • Motor and solenoids starts automatically and delivery begins as you press nozzle trigger. • Delivery speed will be adjusted by CPU itself and stops at the exact value you have entered. 2. ENTERING VOLUME PRESET : Volume preset is entered by using numeric keys only. Follow the procedure: • Be sure that nozzle is in its place before entering preset. • Press ‘Enter’ key twice and see ‘-L-‘ symbol on display. • Use numeric keys for entering the integer part of volume preset as you wish. Rational part of value is always .00. EXAMP : 125 Lt preset - L - 1 2 5. 0 0 Press ‘Ente’ ,’Enter ’, ’1 ’, ’2 ’, ’5 ’keys and see 125.00 on the middle part of display. • Remove nozzle and start delivery.That is all. IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT PRESET DELIVERIES : • Do not press ‘Enter’ after entering preset value and before removing nozzle. • If you remove nozzle for the product that is not the one,your customer want,then place that nozzle but re- enter preset before removing correct nozzle.(for multiproduct dispensers) • If you place nozzle, before the value you entered,this ignores preset and sale is finished at the value you really delivered. • Observe the display carefully when entering preset.(especially control the number of zeros carefully) • You can not change preset value after nozzle removing and also at any time of delivery.Preset entering is not allowed while delivery is going on. • If you enter a preset value and remove nozzle.But, if site controller sends an amound preset message at the same time,then CPU makes a comparing between two preset values and accepts the smaller one. II. OBSERVING THE DELIVERY SPEED (as Lt/min): You can observe the flowing rate of delivery if you press ‘1’, while display is counting.Price screen will turn to show you the delivery speed as Lt/min. Pressing ‘CLR’ key ignores this function and display turns to show price per liter again. This function has no negative effect to volume or amount counter and arithmetics of current sale. III. READING REAL-TIME CLOCK AND DATE: 43