Kullanım Kılavuzları
The value in position ‘XX’ is current address value of this face of CPU changing between ‘00’ to ‘08’. Entering ‘00’ turns the CPU to manual mode and dispenser doesn’t answer messages sent by site controller. Entering a non-zero value and pressing ‘Enter’ key, dispenser turns to automation controlled mode and answers messages sent by site controller. Working mode will be pointed by one of the display messages as shown below for 2 seconds and display turns to original form showing last delivery. A u t o. 0 n A u t o. 0 F F LOCKING / UNLOCKING DISPENSER ELECTRONICALY(P-090) This program is useful for locking dispenser when station is closed without using a mechanical locking system. Press ‘0’, ‘9’, ‘0’ keys in the order and see ‘P-090’.Press ‘Enter’. You will see below screen. Now, enter your password . P A S S According to your dispenser condition, you will see one of the display messages below. You locked or unlocked dispenser electronically. C L O S E d O P E n E d Closed : locked Opened : unlocked If you locked dispenser, you will see the below display as you replace nozzle. And dispenser does not run to deliver fuel. P. O F F - - - For unlocking again, repeat above procedure and see message ‘opened’. 48