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I . ENTERING PRESET You can enter amount or volume preset practically.There are 3 preset keys on keypad for standart values for amount preset. The preset key values can be changed by related service program. Also,you can use numerical keys for entering big or small quantities for the amount or volume preset. 1.AMOUNT PRESET ADJUSTMENT : There are two ways for entering amount preset A-) BY USING PRESET KEYS: Preset keys have standard values, designated in service program as frequently preffered values by your customers. Procedure: • Nozzle(s) must be in its place before entering preset. • Pressing a preset key, you will see the amount value for that key on top section of display and symbol ‘-P-‘ in the middle. • If you continue pressing any preset key, it will add that key value to this amount and display. • If you made a mistake when entering preset amount, then press CLR key and restart entering correct value. EXAMPLE : 15.00 $ preset 1 5. 0 0 - P - Lets say the values for Preset1,Preset2,Preset3 key values are designated by service program as 1.00, 5.00, 10.00.$ (friction is always 00 cent) Your customer wants 15 dollars (or euro etc) delivery .Then you must press Preset3 key once and Preset2 key once and get 10+5=15 • Remove the correct nozzle(for multiproduct dispenser), if you see correct value is entered as you wish on display. • Now, display resets and Motor and solenoids will start automatically. Delivery starts by pressing nozzle trigger. • Product flow speed will be adjusted automatically and delivery will be stopped at the exact value you adjusted. B-) USING NUMERIC KEYS FOR AMOUNT PRESET: If the value of amount preset is too large and will take much time to enter this value with preset keys then follow the following procedure: • Be sure that nozzle is in its place before entering preset. • Press ‘Enter’ key once and see ‘-P-‘ symbol on the middle section of display. • Press numeric keys as most significant first, according to the value you wish to enter. EXAMPLE : 1.500. 00 $ 1.5 0 0. 0 0 preset - P - 43