Kullanım Kılavuzları
FCC Statement Declaration of Conforrnity Thb cevies carnplies sfiith Farl 15 of Vie Sony Ericsson Wahile Communications AB iha FC: ru z.z.Oıxratien iz Ijoı.ct of Ny.a ',rata nte miat la tıe bil r g'.1:03c.Drdftizrıs: SE-221 88 _une, S?/eden I MS CWICE may not E;3,15e hanTırlul declareumer Dur s:: e respnsipili. that DLİ- idorfg.n..nno. Thig rl ira rnıFi prcduz.t Sony Eri cn5cm i-ype OLAG-11352B4-131, accept any nterference reza ved. iduciog anc in rAmbina.iDn ir 1h Duramnscr es. kD Inierrerenes Inat may C3LI5E un 1E5 red operatico. which this ceelsrajDn relates icin =family. 'with the apprDpiate suı-dardn r- TS 51 01D-1, EN 301480-7. EN 380328, EN 201489-17 and ENICOP50, ng lhe pn:rdisians of, Radra Equiprıen1 and TeleaornrrunioalionTereninal Ecrı prıen1direOive 99f54EC wifı requirerıerris rıg LhK; c rearieilW;24WELL, ani LCIN Vel:mpa dimetiva 7121.GE.C. Lur d. Fabruary 2037 C E 0682 „t. Shafi Piemob., offiroduo!SusAes.s Group RRTTF 1 mram.m.npAinin (11PISLİFf'_') parakliliklarn yer ne get rmekaeyi.t.