Kullanım Kılavuzları
1 Resimler &Videolar 2 3 4 5 6 1 Resimler &Videolar 2 3 4 5 Aktar... 6 Streaming media You can stream media, such as live broadcasts or on-demand media content, directly from the Web. The media is sent in a continuous stream to your phone and is played as it arrives, along with the audio. When you open streaming media in the phone, the media player automatically opens and starts playing the content. 1 Internet F~cplorer 2 3 4 1 YouTube 2 kullanabilirsiniz. FM radyo To turn on the radio 1 Connect a portable handsfree or headphones to the phone. 2 Press to open SlideView. 3 Scroll to Medya. 4 Tap . 60