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SIEMENS Information and Communication Mobile Declaration of Conformity VVe, Sıemens AG Frankenstrasse 2 Information and Communication Mobile 46395 Bocholt Cordless Products Germany ICM CP declare, that the hereinafter mentioned product is manufactured according to our Full Quality Assurance System certified by CETECOM ICT Services GmbH in compliance with ANNEX V of the R&TTE-Directive 199915/EC Product: ,,Gigaset SL1" Turkish Version Portable Part accordıng to DECT Standard The presumption of conformıty with the essential requirements regarding Council Directive 1999/5/EC is ensured according ta Art. 3.1 a) Safety: EN 60950 (equivaient to 73/23/EC) Art. 3.1 a) EMF/SAR: 99(519/EC (EU-Council Recommendation) ES 59005 Art. 3.1 a) Acoustic Shock: TBR 10 Art. 3.1 b) EMC: EN 301 489-1/6 (equivaıent to 89/336/EC) Art. 3.2 Radio: EN 301 406 The product is labelled with the European Approvals Marking CE and the 0682 for the Notified Body. Any unauthorized modification of the product voids this Declaration. Additionally the above mentioned product conforms to the following standards: TBR 22 Bocholt, 04 September 2003 Place and Date Mr. Leibkh Senior Approvals Manager Tel.: +49-2871-91-2285 Fax: +49-2871-91-2495 Orijinal beyandan alıntı: Siemens AG, declare, that the above mentioned product is manufactured according to ou r Full Quality Assurance System certified by CETECOM ICT Services GmbH in compliance with ANNEX V of the R&TTE-Directive 9915/EC. The presuimption of confornnity with the essential requirements regarding Council Directiye 9915lEC is ensured." Senior Approvals Manager" The Declaration of Confornnity (D00 has been signed. In case of need a copy of the original DoC can be made available via the company hotline. (E 0682