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Güvenlik notları Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle ZELM Ex Schedule to EC-TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE ZELM 09 ATEX 0296 X (17) sosc,al SOndilions for sate use 1 The operabon ma nual has to be observed. Tie charging of lbe gadlary 0 ooly porrnated ocilSkle hazardous areas and oely with the associated charear 2 A degree of proleelion ol IP 20 ts sufflcianl ter the Certdigagon of [ha DEM' - telephone ler Ime in eXplı35eY13 gas elmospheres. Testıng ol hlehet evels of degrees of protectIon d not port of this EC - tyde examınation 3 &Ione IIM DEM" - Pelephalle e brpught and used nı explebve atmesphares e funghOn 1e01 has le be mıde. 4. Ir basım, of darnage er 000 correct mode of operation ide DECT - teiephone has to be seetbrred e« ırnMededely and haS le be breeghl odtside of habardOeS areeS. 5. The OECT - leleohone shall only operate with earlified accessories when used in explosive slenosphere B. The OECT-talaphone 011011 only be used with Ille associaled o.1Oİirrg plug at the Interfaee eeee uSed iri exploslye almospheres_ 7 The DECT-Itelephone shaIl only be eseri within the allowerf aroblenl temperature range of -20°C In .bb-C fle] Lssenttal Ileallb and Safelv Rebeirements met by standards Zerttfizierungsstelle 2ELM EX ersıonsubwmg July 20, 200EI DİpiIe9 114ejkt Isim Page 3/1 EC EG-typ•-earulnation Cbrer.lee.eritheal akımı. and mama ent rot ~I The ~Mert« ney any, be eireugua •rttlx.d stlanıtlen Eıare,a 0 ehrebbnı ereuılle. nepreem 5.01 0110010 Zedrralerungbatele ZEıla 40 Thin Eron werloı 0 111. gem= ıear na, tam tl( dwableı, aes Gertnbe i.0 tPf00¼$ Pnı, aael Zedraae~e 2000 L. • 5bealfekbe 53 • 0-53724 larruaecrrbeea 119