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Ek Güvenlik notları EC TİP ONAYI SERTİFİKASI 41 Prüf- und Zertifızierungsstelle ZELM Ex EC-TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE (2) Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Lise In Patentially ExeSotenre Ahnospheres • Dıre.givel 949(E0 (3) E.C.,TYPE-EXAMINATi ON CERYIFIGATE Number. ZELM 06 ATEX 0296 X (4) Equipment_ DECT-Telefen igesal M2 En proleeslonel Typ $30e52-51758-9121, (6) Manırlaelurer. MEME AG (6) Metre« D -8137e München {7) This equipment de muy acci~e vanalion Meral» upodfied in the schedute to tNs etertificase and the doetrnent& bıereln raferred be. (8) The Prof- und Zertlfixierungssmile ZELM Ex, notIlled body Na 0820 in ~dance with Mide. 9 of the Lowell Directive 9419/EG of 23 Merci] 1994, berth1Se the) this equipment has Leen tonna in COrnply with the Essereal htnalth and Safery RequIreMents relating to the desen and con- struction of equipment Wıd pretective aretems intended lot use in prsentlally explosive ~Ot- pharee, tAven in Annex Il hı the DIractive The esdnination and test naselts are reonrded In the corrbdentlal report ZELM Es 0390619471. (9) Gomp{tanee A{Iti the Essential Health and Sataly Requiremerrls haa been assured by oorteid- ~on af, EN 60079-0:2004 EN 50020: 2002 (10) if the sIgn in pKaceo arta- the pertlflcale numher, lt Indletnes that the eququment is subject to 6,000 =Malan. tor rale Ime spedlied in the edıedule ta tnia certificalet (tl) nalı EG-type-exarninelten Cerlificate relatea only ta the emin., e...nı Inalion and tests ine epociliecl ed.pment er an:Sadiye system In dueordance ko the Direebve 94{9!E0. Failler re- gıereınente ol trto Directive appl y ta the manefactunng ~as and suppy of this equipment on peleettve system. Theme de not covened by thM Certificate. (12) The (rating af The equipment shaq MUM the tollowing 112 G EEliIbIICT4 Zerbfinerungsstelle ZELM Braunschseig, July 20. 2006 Cep/ 4ng. Page 1/3 EC 4,9:•••■•,...alfon co~ 411nne Naıelunı aıd a/mnp ffil• rıboi pd, c6mıl11 .7~ Otte01.. eeee.« amıessees ~Sel k, 41....1 7".~.7111,1 En Tl* E.Vah yensdr 1 nri re ~.1 la. In ılıe ma C, 4•I•ıte, th• t...t d.. R-Et- eN Ze•Inr,ı~ ZELM Em • .131~eı le - CI41124 11 7