Product Information Industrial Ethernet TF-1613/VNindows V6.0
SIMATIC NET Siemens SIMATIC Network and Communi cation. Product name for
networks and network components from Siemens (previously SINEC).
STEP 7 Programming software for creating user programs for SIMATIC S7
Subnet A subnet is part of a network whose parameters must be matched. It
includes the bus components and all atta ched stations. Subnets can,
for example, be interconne cted with gateways to form a network.
A network consists of several subnets with unique subnet numbers. A
subnet includes several nodes with unique PROFIBUS addresses or
MAC addresses (in Industrial Ethernet).
TCP/IP Transmission Control Proto col/Internet Proto col —TCP is a
conne ction-oriented proto col for reliable data transmission. It
implements layer 4 of the OSI 7-layer model.
User User of a computer with the spe cified rights and privileges.
Produktinformation/Produ ct Information Industrial Ethernet TF-1613/VNindows V6.0
64 S79220-A5819-X-01-7437