Kullanım Kılavuzları
Product Information Industrial Ethernet TF-1613/Windows V6.0 Overview of the Documentation The documentation for the "TF-1613/Windows V6.0" product is stru ctured as follows: Hardware (communications modules) • Installation Instructions (supplied with the module) describe the installation of the CP 1613 communications module. Software (SIMATIC NET Products) • Product Information provides information on the product. • Installation Instructions for the Software describes the installation of the SIMATIC NET produ cts on the PG/PC. SIMATIC NET CD The entire SIMATIC NET documentation is available on the CDs from SIMATIC NET. • Product CD - "SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry®" (CD supplied) • Documentation CD - "SIMATIC NET Manual Colle ction" (CD supplied) Who to Contact If you have te chni cal questions about using the software and your problem is not dealt with in the documentation or in the integrated help system, please conta ct your Siemens representative or dealer. You will find the addresses in the following: • In the "readme.rtf" file in the main folder of the SIMATIC NET CD • On the Internet (http://www.ad.siemens.de/net) • In catalog IK PI Produktinformation/Produ ct Information Industrial Ethernet TF-1613/Windows V6.0 42 S79220-A5819-X-01-7437