Kullanım Kılavuzları
DIRECCIÖN GENERAL DE , . DEANROLLO:INDLISTRIAL MIN1STERIQ DE INDUSTRIA T.URISIMD: . SODDIREdelöN, GENERAL, DEOALtDAD VSEGURiDA0 y: Nı EReo . iNDUsTRIAL .e9,2002/241`0050!04 Pgiiıa '11?og,e 1/2 CERTIFICAIX) DE I-TOMOLOGAÇIÖN DR •TIPO CEM YEWCULOŞ .1)13 meıroE. DE Dos o TRES RUED;k:s SEGÜN 1)IRECTIVA 20{,024/CE NIODIFICADA HASTA LA 2005/30/CE EC TYPE-APPROYAL CERTIFICATE FORM() OR .nw.e-omg,4,pmom.R vElık.ms pozzowıNG DIRECT1V. 2002/24/EC AS 1487' AMENDEL BY 2005/.3WEC ?.c1')ENSIÖN IV Comunicaciön soke I Coffimuniçi4titn.t concerning- - oamehi&a4ie.la.hiwrkelegAatEn§(:) We-aal k,o01,groo9064 (5 extensift de la hernologaei6n ( )1 e ıdenskın of. type-apprand (5. - doaagitet(»de-la-houtolowtai «(!)/jeoek,k4flype-,ılpprotrat (i) f~a-elf~01%aokfin (I) I 1440~~~ProWil (I) cle uo,tipo de vellieblo en' reladöruon a 1irectiTi5a. ,0C0.124/CE.ınodifieada hasta la 200/30,CE. / c 'rt.0, rı of whiele ıvilFr re gard (alan eçtive 2002124İEC tıs kixuznen&OT lry"20.051.WEC Infcenu" ııaK.0701010 del servicio IkenicaIDIADA eon feda 3004,2007 Repr rt K0701010 by technical sersqcö İDIADA date 3P.04.2007' /4 iinelb 1-ometogad(m Type.approvoiNO2 e0*2002/24*0050*04 4')tivos &$14 extensi6d11~ for ~on: Yer inforele 1(0701010i tgirePa t l'h°' "I°1°111 GENE~ADES• 0.1. Marct(s) (rada social delfabri~ niıke(ş) (Tde !tante 9fthe Inons:Acitırer): RYOSUNG or SezT KANUNI `0„2. Tipo 7»e: OV6,50 0,Z1. 3epominaci.6*Ş) comerciaKes)/Commercialmme0: Aquila olor Aqutla 650 0,3, INıtedio- de itientifietteidn del tipo, si esttin mitreados,en el vehieulo kiewo ofit.(entificattOn of type, ifmankea' on the yehtele: iviareado en hiparte fija det V1NJ Mar ked in the fb:ed part of YIN. O „1, Eştaplazatniento de estaszarms l Locaffon ofguıt nıwkğrıg: Mareado en el iade derecho la pipa delantera del chasis y en la phtes de fahrie~. /-Mar*.ed on Dıe right-hand sıck of dle frant jape of th e etme and cw the matufact~r's 0,4. Calegorla Catego y e): lie 0,5. Nembre y direeziön de' fabtioante del vebieul o l Nalne and address' tire.: Sec.T MOTORS 77 , SUNOSAN4:10NG, CHAINIGWONSIII, K YUNNANI, KOREA (5Tilthet:e(io qua nrı pröcetl 1Delete 1.f.hei.e ircle applkabk: (2)l e:oonfvıyiıiddılcon.Iârlâs xiçidrtestribleczcla.n etiiticula /...4±xordirig totbı'?cia4lcation trüırv cedinArIkcre1